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*Material type:
Thesis or Dissertation
Bibliography in the Library:
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Authors name
Authors name
Authors name
Authors name
*Publication year:
*Country code:
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Bibliography ID:
Registration number:
*Material format:
cassette tapes
record disks
micro films
roll films
16mm films
8mm films
slide films
video tapes
laser disks
blu-ray disks
floppy disks
3.5 floppy disks
other magnetic recordings
magneto-optical disks
other prints
motion pictures
video 8mm vtr
denshi books
electronic books
electronic journals
Material ID:
osaka institute of technology
osaka institute of technology
K research
K faculty of engineering
K faculty of engineering office
K monozukuri lecture
K experiment fair
K oit C
K oit A
K oit E
K oit M
K oit K
K oit D
K oit B
K oit V
K oit W
K oit L
K oit R
K oit U
K general education
K general applied physics
K general physical geography
K general chemistry
K general humanities
K general language study
K general physics
K general mathematics
K general gymnastics
K general byology
K general physical geography
K general applied physics
K general chemistry
K general byology
K general physics
K general mathematics
K general mathematical principle
K general education office
K Yawata engineering experimentation place
K oit P
K oit P (graduate school)
K oit P (graduate school) subsidy
K oit P language study subsidy
K oit P humanities subsidy
K oit P gymnastics subsidy
K comprehensive humanics
K comprehensive human sociology
K comprehensive language
K comprehensive gymnastics
K oit P(graduate school)
K audio-visual
K educational affairs section
K teacher training
K liaison center
K research support promotion center
K engineering works material
K office
K accounting section
K accounting section indirect cost
K accounting section science instruction subsidy
K accounting section science instruction subsidy
K commission 2005
K commission 2025
K commission 2021
K commission 2029
K commission 1005
K joint research 2082
K sponsored research 1002
K commission 1004
K scientific research 5009
K scientific research 5006
K scientific research 5012
K scientific research 5007
K scientific research 5042
K scientific research 5053
K scientific research 5062
K scientific research 5069
K scientific research 5048
K scientific research 5067
K scientific research 2003
K scientific research 2303
K scientific research 5072
K scientific research 5071
K scientific research 2007
K scientific research 2709
K scientific research 2716
K scientific research 2013
K scientific research 5070
K scientific research 2305
K scientific research 2005
K scientific research 5045
K scientific research 2612
K scientific research 5013
K scientific research 5044
K scientific research 2002
K scientific research 2018
K scientific research 2401
K scientific research 2014
K scientific research 2028
K scientific research 4007
K scientific research 2040
K scientific research 2038
K scientific research 2307
K scientific research 2742
K scientific research 2048
K scientific research 2308
K scientific research 2042
K scientific research 2301
K scientific research 2310
K encouragement research 4216
K scholarship donation 3018
K scholarship donation 3017
K scholarship donation 3037
K scholarship donation 3046
K scholarship donation 3008
K scholarship donation 1003
K scholarship donation 3058
K scholarship donation 1002
K scholarship donation 1004
K scholarship donation 1005
K scholarship donation 1006
K scholarship donation 1007
K scholarship donation 1008
K scholarship donation 3095
K encouragement research 4215
K encouragement research 4202
K encouragement research 4207
K encouragement research 4248
K encouragement research 1023
K encouragement research 1026
K encouragement research 1025
K encouragement research 1027
K encouragement research 1028
K encouragement research 1029
K sponsored research 2034
K joint research 2065
K sponsored research 2077
K sponsored research 2081
K sponsored research 1003
K sponsored research 5101
K specialist graduate school
K indirect cost 5080
K specialist graduate school
K oit P GP
K oit P (graduate school) encouragement research 1
K oit P (graduate school) encouragement research 2
K oit P (graduate school) JICA
K oit P (graduate school) academic research environment
K oit P (graduate school) teacher commendation
K oit P teacher commendation
K oit P subsidy
K faculty of engineering office
K oit C subsidy
K oit V subsidy
K oit W subsidy
K oit A subsidy
K oit B subsidy
K oit M subsidy
K oit L subsidy
K oit E subsidy
K oit D subsidy
K oit K subsidy
K oit G subsidy
K oit U subsidy
K oit R subsidy
K subsidy accounting section subsidy
K faculty of engineering research environment
K faculty of engineering research environment
K president discretionary budget
K president discretionary budget
K division of career services
K teacher training subsidy
K school infirmary
K machining operation
K faculty of information science and technology
K oit IC
K oit IS
K accounting section
K scientific research 5059
K scientific research 2205
K scholarship donation 8001
K scholarship donation 8009
K scholarship donation 8010
K scholarship donation 8012
K oit IM
K commission 7010
K commission O-JST
K academic research environment maintenance
K oit IN
K encouragement research 4243
K encouragement research 4244
K research project 9002
K library
K library omiya
K oit V reorganization
K oit W reorganization
K oit L reorganization
K oit U reorganization
K oit R reorganization
K library hirakata
K library umeda
K oit W
K oit R
K oit S
K hiroshima international university
K administration office
K educational research
K management cost
setsunan university
S research
S faculty of science and engineering
S civil and environmental engineering
S civil and environmental engineering
S living and environmental design
S architecture
S architecture
S life science
S electrical and electronic engineering
S electrical and electronic engineering
S mechanical engineering
S mechanical engineering
S engineering and management
S engineering and management
S mathematics and physics
S fundamental science and engineering
S machining operation
S techno center
S health and physical education
S common to science and engineering
S common to science and engineering
S all foreign studies
S foreign studies
S foreign studies
S teacher training
S teacher training
S learning support center
S business administration and information
S business administration
S law
S law
S pharmaceutical sciences
S medicinal pharmacology
S pharmacology
S microbiology
S biochemistry
S disease prevention science
S public health
S pharmaceutics
S clinical pharmaceutics
S clinical analytical chemistry
S pharmacognosy
S natural drug structural chemistry
S pharmaceutical chemistry
S pharmaceutical technochemistry
S pharmacotherapeutics
S chemical properties of chemicals
S pathological medical science
S pathology
S clinical pharmacy
S data processing
S shared use equipment
S practice・exercise
S joint use management
S managing animal rooms
S ri
S cryogenic room
S thermostatic chamber
S lan
S biomolecular analysis sience
S cell biology
S library committee
S common
S pharmacy education
S medical phermacy
S clinical Phermacy
S plant
S plactical medicin research
S pharmaceutical education center
S life fusion chemistory
S functional morphology
S integrated pharmacy
S sports promotion
S sports promotion
S faculty of economics
S library
S library neyagawa
S library hirakata
S planning section
S planning section
S general affairs section
S general affairs section
S accounting section
S accounting section
S educational affairs section
S educational affairs section
S student affairs office
S student affairs office
S school infirmary
S division of admission
S division of admission
S division of career services
S division of career services
S media center
S media center
S research support center
S community cooperation center
S community cooperation center
S international exchange center
S office of the faculty of engineering
S office of the faculty of science and engineering
S office of the faculty of foreign studies
S office of the faculty of foreign studies
S office of the faculty of business administration and information
S office of the faculty of business administration
S office of the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
S office of the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
S office of the faculty of law
S office of the faculty of law
S office of the faculty of economics
H junior high school high school
H1 high school
H2 junior high school
H1 subsidy
H1 Japanese language sudsidy
H1 social studies subsidy
H1 mathematics subsidy
H1 science subsidy
H1 English language subsidy
H1 physical education subsidy
H1 information subsidy
H1 assistant principal subsidy
H1 office subsidy
H1 mathematics
H2 subsidy
Hiroshima International University
T 1Hall
T 3Hall
T kure Branch
T Hiroshima Branch
T 1Hall Library
T 3Hall Library
T Kure BranchLibrary
T Hiroshima Branch Library
T 1general affairs section
T 3general affairs section
T Kure general affairs section
T Faculty of Health Sciences
T Common to Health Sciences
T Department of Nursing
T Department of Medical radiation
T Department of clinical engineering
T Department of physical therapy
T Department osynthetic rehabilitation
T Majar in medical treatment before
T Department of Nursing old
T Majar in Nursing old
T Faculty of Health and Welfare
T Common Faculty of Health and Welfare
T Department of Health and Social Services
T Majar in Health and Social Services
T Department of Health Services Management
T Majar in Health Services Management
T Health Sciences MEXT
T Health Sciences MEXT
T Health Sciences JSPS
T Health Sciences JSPS
T medical welfare MEXT
T medical welfare MEXT
T medical welfare JSPS
T medical welfare JSPS
T medical welfare MHLW
T medical welfare MHLW
T Faculty of Clinical Psychological
T Common to Clinical Psychological
T Clinical Psychological
T Department English and Communication
T Majar in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in Clinical Psychology Practice
T Majar in English and Communication
T Department of kansei Information
T Majar in kansei Information
T English and Communication Psychological
T teaching profession classroom
T east
T psychological clinic Center
T Psychological Science MEXT
T Psychological Science MEXT
T Psychological Science JSPS
T Psychological Science JSPS
T Psychological Science JSPS b
T Clinical Psychology Practice MEXT
T Clinical Psychology Practice MEXT
T Clinical Psychology Practice JSPS
T Clinical Psychology Practice JSPS
T faculty of social environment
T social environment architecture
T social environment living and environmental design
T social environment Information
T faculty of science and engineering
T common to science and engineering
T science and engineering architecture
T science and engineering living and environmental design
T science and engineering information
T science and engineering mechanical engineering
T Majar in social environment yosan
T Majar in social environment yosan
T Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
T Faculty of Nursing
T Faculty of Clinical Nutrition
T Faculty of Health Services Management
T Majar of Health Services Management
T Health Services Management MEXT
T Majar in Nursing
T Majar in Midwife services
T Nursing JSPS
T Nursing JSPS s-yosan
T science and engineering MEXT
T science and engineering MEXT
T science and engineering JSPS
T science and engineering JSPS
T science and engineering JSPS b
T science and engineering JSPS b
T Nursing MEXT
T Nursing MEXT
T Nursing JSPS
T Nursing JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences MEXT
T Pharmaceutical Sciences MEXT
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
Hiroshima International University Kure
T Installation expenses
T 1Hall planning section
T 1Hall maintenance department
T 1Hall general affairs section
T 1Hall accounting section
T 3Hall accounting section
T Kure accounting section
T 1Hall educational affairs section
T Higashi Remedial
T Kure Remedial
T 3Hall educational affairs section
T 1Hall student affairs office
T 1Hall entrance examination Center
T 1Hall Information Center
T 1Hall Clinical Psychology Center
T Hiroshima Clinical Psychology Center
T 1Hall educational affairs section
T 3Hall educational affairs section
T Kure student affairs office
T 1Hall division of career services
T Kure division of career services
T 1Hall Nuse's Office
T Hiroshima educational affairs section
T majar of architecture
T majar of Information
T 1Hall MEXT
T 1Hall JSPS
T 1Hall MEXT
T 1Hall JSPS
T 1Hall MHLW
T 1Hall MHLW
T 3Hall MEXT
T 3Hall JSPS
T 3Hall MEXT
T 3Hall JSPS
T 3Hall MHLW
T 3Hall MHLW
T Major in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in Clinical Psychology Practice
T Major in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in medical treatment after
T Common to Nursing
T Faculty of Nursing
J junior and senior high school
J senior high school
J junior high school
Call No:
*Country code:
*Language code:
*Material format:
cassette tapes
record disks
micro films
roll films
16mm films
8mm films
slide films
video tapes
laser disks
blu-ray disks
floppy disks
3.5 floppy disks
other magnetic recordings
magneto-optical disks
other prints
motion pictures
video 8mm vtr
denshi books
electronic books
electronic journals
osaka institute of technology
osaka institute of technology
K research
K faculty of engineering
K faculty of engineering office
K monozukuri lecture
K experiment fair
K oit C
K oit A
K oit E
K oit M
K oit K
K oit D
K oit B
K oit V
K oit W
K oit L
K oit R
K oit U
K general education
K general applied physics
K general physical geography
K general chemistry
K general humanities
K general language study
K general physics
K general mathematics
K general gymnastics
K general byology
K general physical geography
K general applied physics
K general chemistry
K general byology
K general physics
K general mathematics
K general mathematical principle
K general education office
K Yawata engineering experimentation place
K oit P
K oit P (graduate school)
K oit P (graduate school) subsidy
K oit P language study subsidy
K oit P humanities subsidy
K oit P gymnastics subsidy
K comprehensive humanics
K comprehensive human sociology
K comprehensive language
K comprehensive gymnastics
K oit P(graduate school)
K audio-visual
K educational affairs section
K teacher training
K liaison center
K research support promotion center
K engineering works material
K office
K accounting section
K accounting section indirect cost
K accounting section science instruction subsidy
K accounting section science instruction subsidy
K commission 2005
K commission 2025
K commission 2021
K commission 2029
K commission 1005
K joint research 2082
K sponsored research 1002
K commission 1004
K scientific research 5009
K scientific research 5006
K scientific research 5012
K scientific research 5007
K scientific research 5042
K scientific research 5053
K scientific research 5062
K scientific research 5069
K scientific research 5048
K scientific research 5067
K scientific research 2003
K scientific research 2303
K scientific research 5072
K scientific research 5071
K scientific research 2007
K scientific research 2709
K scientific research 2716
K scientific research 2013
K scientific research 5070
K scientific research 2305
K scientific research 2005
K scientific research 5045
K scientific research 2612
K scientific research 5013
K scientific research 5044
K scientific research 2002
K scientific research 2018
K scientific research 2401
K scientific research 2014
K scientific research 2028
K scientific research 4007
K scientific research 2040
K scientific research 2038
K scientific research 2307
K scientific research 2742
K scientific research 2048
K scientific research 2308
K scientific research 2042
K scientific research 2301
K scientific research 2310
K encouragement research 4216
K scholarship donation 3018
K scholarship donation 3017
K scholarship donation 3037
K scholarship donation 3046
K scholarship donation 3008
K scholarship donation 1003
K scholarship donation 3058
K scholarship donation 1002
K scholarship donation 1004
K scholarship donation 1005
K scholarship donation 1006
K scholarship donation 1007
K scholarship donation 1008
K scholarship donation 3095
K encouragement research 4215
K encouragement research 4202
K encouragement research 4207
K encouragement research 4248
K encouragement research 1023
K encouragement research 1026
K encouragement research 1025
K encouragement research 1027
K encouragement research 1028
K encouragement research 1029
K sponsored research 2034
K joint research 2065
K sponsored research 2077
K sponsored research 2081
K sponsored research 1003
K sponsored research 5101
K specialist graduate school
K indirect cost 5080
K specialist graduate school
K oit P GP
K oit P (graduate school) encouragement research 1
K oit P (graduate school) encouragement research 2
K oit P (graduate school) JICA
K oit P (graduate school) academic research environment
K oit P (graduate school) teacher commendation
K oit P teacher commendation
K oit P subsidy
K faculty of engineering office
K oit C subsidy
K oit V subsidy
K oit W subsidy
K oit A subsidy
K oit B subsidy
K oit M subsidy
K oit L subsidy
K oit E subsidy
K oit D subsidy
K oit K subsidy
K oit G subsidy
K oit U subsidy
K oit R subsidy
K subsidy accounting section subsidy
K faculty of engineering research environment
K faculty of engineering research environment
K president discretionary budget
K president discretionary budget
K division of career services
K teacher training subsidy
K school infirmary
K machining operation
K faculty of information science and technology
K oit IC
K oit IS
K accounting section
K scientific research 5059
K scientific research 2205
K scholarship donation 8001
K scholarship donation 8009
K scholarship donation 8010
K scholarship donation 8012
K oit IM
K commission 7010
K commission O-JST
K academic research environment maintenance
K oit IN
K encouragement research 4243
K encouragement research 4244
K research project 9002
K library
K library omiya
K oit V reorganization
K oit W reorganization
K oit L reorganization
K oit U reorganization
K oit R reorganization
K library hirakata
K library umeda
K oit W
K oit R
K oit S
K hiroshima international university
K administration office
K educational research
K management cost
setsunan university
S research
S faculty of science and engineering
S civil and environmental engineering
S civil and environmental engineering
S living and environmental design
S architecture
S architecture
S life science
S electrical and electronic engineering
S electrical and electronic engineering
S mechanical engineering
S mechanical engineering
S engineering and management
S engineering and management
S mathematics and physics
S fundamental science and engineering
S machining operation
S techno center
S health and physical education
S common to science and engineering
S common to science and engineering
S all foreign studies
S foreign studies
S foreign studies
S teacher training
S teacher training
S learning support center
S business administration and information
S business administration
S law
S law
S pharmaceutical sciences
S medicinal pharmacology
S pharmacology
S microbiology
S biochemistry
S disease prevention science
S public health
S pharmaceutics
S clinical pharmaceutics
S clinical analytical chemistry
S pharmacognosy
S natural drug structural chemistry
S pharmaceutical chemistry
S pharmaceutical technochemistry
S pharmacotherapeutics
S chemical properties of chemicals
S pathological medical science
S pathology
S clinical pharmacy
S data processing
S shared use equipment
S practice・exercise
S joint use management
S managing animal rooms
S ri
S cryogenic room
S thermostatic chamber
S lan
S biomolecular analysis sience
S cell biology
S library committee
S common
S pharmacy education
S medical phermacy
S clinical Phermacy
S plant
S plactical medicin research
S pharmaceutical education center
S life fusion chemistory
S functional morphology
S integrated pharmacy
S sports promotion
S sports promotion
S faculty of economics
S library
S library neyagawa
S library hirakata
S planning section
S planning section
S general affairs section
S general affairs section
S accounting section
S accounting section
S educational affairs section
S educational affairs section
S student affairs office
S student affairs office
S school infirmary
S division of admission
S division of admission
S division of career services
S division of career services
S media center
S media center
S research support center
S community cooperation center
S community cooperation center
S international exchange center
S office of the faculty of engineering
S office of the faculty of science and engineering
S office of the faculty of foreign studies
S office of the faculty of foreign studies
S office of the faculty of business administration and information
S office of the faculty of business administration
S office of the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
S office of the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
S office of the faculty of law
S office of the faculty of law
S office of the faculty of economics
H junior high school high school
H1 high school
H2 junior high school
H1 subsidy
H1 Japanese language sudsidy
H1 social studies subsidy
H1 mathematics subsidy
H1 science subsidy
H1 English language subsidy
H1 physical education subsidy
H1 information subsidy
H1 assistant principal subsidy
H1 office subsidy
H1 mathematics
H2 subsidy
Hiroshima International University
T 1Hall
T 3Hall
T kure Branch
T Hiroshima Branch
T 1Hall Library
T 3Hall Library
T Kure BranchLibrary
T Hiroshima Branch Library
T 1general affairs section
T 3general affairs section
T Kure general affairs section
T Faculty of Health Sciences
T Common to Health Sciences
T Department of Nursing
T Department of Medical radiation
T Department of clinical engineering
T Department of physical therapy
T Department osynthetic rehabilitation
T Majar in medical treatment before
T Department of Nursing old
T Majar in Nursing old
T Faculty of Health and Welfare
T Common Faculty of Health and Welfare
T Department of Health and Social Services
T Majar in Health and Social Services
T Department of Health Services Management
T Majar in Health Services Management
T Health Sciences MEXT
T Health Sciences MEXT
T Health Sciences JSPS
T Health Sciences JSPS
T medical welfare MEXT
T medical welfare MEXT
T medical welfare JSPS
T medical welfare JSPS
T medical welfare MHLW
T medical welfare MHLW
T Faculty of Clinical Psychological
T Common to Clinical Psychological
T Clinical Psychological
T Department English and Communication
T Majar in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in Clinical Psychology Practice
T Majar in English and Communication
T Department of kansei Information
T Majar in kansei Information
T English and Communication Psychological
T teaching profession classroom
T east
T psychological clinic Center
T Psychological Science MEXT
T Psychological Science MEXT
T Psychological Science JSPS
T Psychological Science JSPS
T Psychological Science JSPS b
T Clinical Psychology Practice MEXT
T Clinical Psychology Practice MEXT
T Clinical Psychology Practice JSPS
T Clinical Psychology Practice JSPS
T faculty of social environment
T social environment architecture
T social environment living and environmental design
T social environment Information
T faculty of science and engineering
T common to science and engineering
T science and engineering architecture
T science and engineering living and environmental design
T science and engineering information
T science and engineering mechanical engineering
T Majar in social environment yosan
T Majar in social environment yosan
T Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
T Faculty of Nursing
T Faculty of Clinical Nutrition
T Faculty of Health Services Management
T Majar of Health Services Management
T Health Services Management MEXT
T Majar in Nursing
T Majar in Midwife services
T Nursing JSPS
T Nursing JSPS s-yosan
T science and engineering MEXT
T science and engineering MEXT
T science and engineering JSPS
T science and engineering JSPS
T science and engineering JSPS b
T science and engineering JSPS b
T Nursing MEXT
T Nursing MEXT
T Nursing JSPS
T Nursing JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences MEXT
T Pharmaceutical Sciences MEXT
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
Hiroshima International University Kure
T Installation expenses
T 1Hall planning section
T 1Hall maintenance department
T 1Hall general affairs section
T 1Hall accounting section
T 3Hall accounting section
T Kure accounting section
T 1Hall educational affairs section
T Higashi Remedial
T Kure Remedial
T 3Hall educational affairs section
T 1Hall student affairs office
T 1Hall entrance examination Center
T 1Hall Information Center
T 1Hall Clinical Psychology Center
T Hiroshima Clinical Psychology Center
T 1Hall educational affairs section
T 3Hall educational affairs section
T Kure student affairs office
T 1Hall division of career services
T Kure division of career services
T 1Hall Nuse's Office
T Hiroshima educational affairs section
T majar of architecture
T majar of Information
T 1Hall MEXT
T 1Hall JSPS
T 1Hall MEXT
T 1Hall JSPS
T 1Hall MHLW
T 1Hall MHLW
T 3Hall MEXT
T 3Hall JSPS
T 3Hall MEXT
T 3Hall JSPS
T 3Hall MHLW
T 3Hall MHLW
T Major in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in Clinical Psychology Practice
T Major in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in medical treatment after
T Common to Nursing
T Faculty of Nursing
J junior and senior high school
J senior high school
J junior high school
Sort by:
List count:
10 Items
20 Items
50 Items
100 Items
List count:
10 Items
20 Items
50 Items
100 Items
●Holding library
OITL:Osaka Institute of Technology Library
OITUBL:Osaka Institute of Technology Umeda Branch Library
OITHBL:Osaka Institute of Technology Hirakata Branch Library
SUL:Setsunan University Library
SUHBL:Setsunan University Hirakata Branch Library
HIU1H:Hiroshima International University 1Hall
HIU3H:Hiroshima International University 3Hall
HIUKB:Hiroshima International University Kure Branch
JSHS:Josho Gakuen Junior High School・High School Library
JKHS:Josho Keiko Gakuen Junior and Senior High School Library
contains review and tag
contains review and tag
*Material type:
Thesis or Dissertation
Bibliography in the Library:
search bibliography in the Library
Authors name
Authors name
Authors name
Authors name
*Publication year:
*Country code:
*Language code:
Bibliography ID:
Registration number:
*Material format:
cassette tapes
record disks
micro films
roll films
16mm films
8mm films
slide films
video tapes
laser disks
blu-ray disks
floppy disks
3.5 floppy disks
other magnetic recordings
magneto-optical disks
other prints
motion pictures
video 8mm vtr
denshi books
electronic books
electronic journals
Material ID:
osaka institute of technology
osaka institute of technology
K research
K faculty of engineering
K faculty of engineering office
K monozukuri lecture
K experiment fair
K oit C
K oit A
K oit E
K oit M
K oit K
K oit D
K oit B
K oit V
K oit W
K oit L
K oit R
K oit U
K general education
K general applied physics
K general physical geography
K general chemistry
K general humanities
K general language study
K general physics
K general mathematics
K general gymnastics
K general byology
K general physical geography
K general applied physics
K general chemistry
K general byology
K general physics
K general mathematics
K general mathematical principle
K general education office
K Yawata engineering experimentation place
K oit P
K oit P (graduate school)
K oit P (graduate school) subsidy
K oit P language study subsidy
K oit P humanities subsidy
K oit P gymnastics subsidy
K comprehensive humanics
K comprehensive human sociology
K comprehensive language
K comprehensive gymnastics
K oit P(graduate school)
K audio-visual
K educational affairs section
K teacher training
K liaison center
K research support promotion center
K engineering works material
K office
K accounting section
K accounting section indirect cost
K accounting section science instruction subsidy
K accounting section science instruction subsidy
K commission 2005
K commission 2025
K commission 2021
K commission 2029
K commission 1005
K joint research 2082
K sponsored research 1002
K commission 1004
K scientific research 5009
K scientific research 5006
K scientific research 5012
K scientific research 5007
K scientific research 5042
K scientific research 5053
K scientific research 5062
K scientific research 5069
K scientific research 5048
K scientific research 5067
K scientific research 2003
K scientific research 2303
K scientific research 5072
K scientific research 5071
K scientific research 2007
K scientific research 2709
K scientific research 2716
K scientific research 2013
K scientific research 5070
K scientific research 2305
K scientific research 2005
K scientific research 5045
K scientific research 2612
K scientific research 5013
K scientific research 5044
K scientific research 2002
K scientific research 2018
K scientific research 2401
K scientific research 2014
K scientific research 2028
K scientific research 4007
K scientific research 2040
K scientific research 2038
K scientific research 2307
K scientific research 2742
K scientific research 2048
K scientific research 2308
K scientific research 2042
K scientific research 2301
K scientific research 2310
K encouragement research 4216
K scholarship donation 3018
K scholarship donation 3017
K scholarship donation 3037
K scholarship donation 3046
K scholarship donation 3008
K scholarship donation 1003
K scholarship donation 3058
K scholarship donation 1002
K scholarship donation 1004
K scholarship donation 1005
K scholarship donation 1006
K scholarship donation 1007
K scholarship donation 1008
K scholarship donation 3095
K encouragement research 4215
K encouragement research 4202
K encouragement research 4207
K encouragement research 4248
K encouragement research 1023
K encouragement research 1026
K encouragement research 1025
K encouragement research 1027
K encouragement research 1028
K encouragement research 1029
K sponsored research 2034
K joint research 2065
K sponsored research 2077
K sponsored research 2081
K sponsored research 1003
K sponsored research 5101
K specialist graduate school
K indirect cost 5080
K specialist graduate school
K oit P GP
K oit P (graduate school) encouragement research 1
K oit P (graduate school) encouragement research 2
K oit P (graduate school) JICA
K oit P (graduate school) academic research environment
K oit P (graduate school) teacher commendation
K oit P teacher commendation
K oit P subsidy
K faculty of engineering office
K oit C subsidy
K oit V subsidy
K oit W subsidy
K oit A subsidy
K oit B subsidy
K oit M subsidy
K oit L subsidy
K oit E subsidy
K oit D subsidy
K oit K subsidy
K oit G subsidy
K oit U subsidy
K oit R subsidy
K subsidy accounting section subsidy
K faculty of engineering research environment
K faculty of engineering research environment
K president discretionary budget
K president discretionary budget
K division of career services
K teacher training subsidy
K school infirmary
K machining operation
K faculty of information science and technology
K oit IC
K oit IS
K accounting section
K scientific research 5059
K scientific research 2205
K scholarship donation 8001
K scholarship donation 8009
K scholarship donation 8010
K scholarship donation 8012
K oit IM
K commission 7010
K commission O-JST
K academic research environment maintenance
K oit IN
K encouragement research 4243
K encouragement research 4244
K research project 9002
K library
K library omiya
K oit V reorganization
K oit W reorganization
K oit L reorganization
K oit U reorganization
K oit R reorganization
K library hirakata
K library umeda
K oit W
K oit R
K oit S
K hiroshima international university
K administration office
K educational research
K management cost
setsunan university
S research
S faculty of science and engineering
S civil and environmental engineering
S civil and environmental engineering
S living and environmental design
S architecture
S architecture
S life science
S electrical and electronic engineering
S electrical and electronic engineering
S mechanical engineering
S mechanical engineering
S engineering and management
S engineering and management
S mathematics and physics
S fundamental science and engineering
S machining operation
S techno center
S health and physical education
S common to science and engineering
S common to science and engineering
S all foreign studies
S foreign studies
S foreign studies
S teacher training
S teacher training
S learning support center
S business administration and information
S business administration
S law
S law
S pharmaceutical sciences
S medicinal pharmacology
S pharmacology
S microbiology
S biochemistry
S disease prevention science
S public health
S pharmaceutics
S clinical pharmaceutics
S clinical analytical chemistry
S pharmacognosy
S natural drug structural chemistry
S pharmaceutical chemistry
S pharmaceutical technochemistry
S pharmacotherapeutics
S chemical properties of chemicals
S pathological medical science
S pathology
S clinical pharmacy
S data processing
S shared use equipment
S practice・exercise
S joint use management
S managing animal rooms
S ri
S cryogenic room
S thermostatic chamber
S lan
S biomolecular analysis sience
S cell biology
S library committee
S common
S pharmacy education
S medical phermacy
S clinical Phermacy
S plant
S plactical medicin research
S pharmaceutical education center
S life fusion chemistory
S functional morphology
S integrated pharmacy
S sports promotion
S sports promotion
S faculty of economics
S library
S library neyagawa
S library hirakata
S planning section
S planning section
S general affairs section
S general affairs section
S accounting section
S accounting section
S educational affairs section
S educational affairs section
S student affairs office
S student affairs office
S school infirmary
S division of admission
S division of admission
S division of career services
S division of career services
S media center
S media center
S research support center
S community cooperation center
S community cooperation center
S international exchange center
S office of the faculty of engineering
S office of the faculty of science and engineering
S office of the faculty of foreign studies
S office of the faculty of foreign studies
S office of the faculty of business administration and information
S office of the faculty of business administration
S office of the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
S office of the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
S office of the faculty of law
S office of the faculty of law
S office of the faculty of economics
H junior high school high school
H1 high school
H2 junior high school
H1 subsidy
H1 Japanese language sudsidy
H1 social studies subsidy
H1 mathematics subsidy
H1 science subsidy
H1 English language subsidy
H1 physical education subsidy
H1 information subsidy
H1 assistant principal subsidy
H1 office subsidy
H1 mathematics
H2 subsidy
Hiroshima International University
T 1Hall
T 3Hall
T kure Branch
T Hiroshima Branch
T 1Hall Library
T 3Hall Library
T Kure BranchLibrary
T Hiroshima Branch Library
T 1general affairs section
T 3general affairs section
T Kure general affairs section
T Faculty of Health Sciences
T Common to Health Sciences
T Department of Nursing
T Department of Medical radiation
T Department of clinical engineering
T Department of physical therapy
T Department osynthetic rehabilitation
T Majar in medical treatment before
T Department of Nursing old
T Majar in Nursing old
T Faculty of Health and Welfare
T Common Faculty of Health and Welfare
T Department of Health and Social Services
T Majar in Health and Social Services
T Department of Health Services Management
T Majar in Health Services Management
T Health Sciences MEXT
T Health Sciences MEXT
T Health Sciences JSPS
T Health Sciences JSPS
T medical welfare MEXT
T medical welfare MEXT
T medical welfare JSPS
T medical welfare JSPS
T medical welfare MHLW
T medical welfare MHLW
T Faculty of Clinical Psychological
T Common to Clinical Psychological
T Clinical Psychological
T Department English and Communication
T Majar in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in Clinical Psychology Practice
T Majar in English and Communication
T Department of kansei Information
T Majar in kansei Information
T English and Communication Psychological
T teaching profession classroom
T east
T psychological clinic Center
T Psychological Science MEXT
T Psychological Science MEXT
T Psychological Science JSPS
T Psychological Science JSPS
T Psychological Science JSPS b
T Clinical Psychology Practice MEXT
T Clinical Psychology Practice MEXT
T Clinical Psychology Practice JSPS
T Clinical Psychology Practice JSPS
T faculty of social environment
T social environment architecture
T social environment living and environmental design
T social environment Information
T faculty of science and engineering
T common to science and engineering
T science and engineering architecture
T science and engineering living and environmental design
T science and engineering information
T science and engineering mechanical engineering
T Majar in social environment yosan
T Majar in social environment yosan
T Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
T Faculty of Nursing
T Faculty of Clinical Nutrition
T Faculty of Health Services Management
T Majar of Health Services Management
T Health Services Management MEXT
T Majar in Nursing
T Majar in Midwife services
T Nursing JSPS
T Nursing JSPS s-yosan
T science and engineering MEXT
T science and engineering MEXT
T science and engineering JSPS
T science and engineering JSPS
T science and engineering JSPS b
T science and engineering JSPS b
T Nursing MEXT
T Nursing MEXT
T Nursing JSPS
T Nursing JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences MEXT
T Pharmaceutical Sciences MEXT
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
Hiroshima International University Kure
T Installation expenses
T 1Hall planning section
T 1Hall maintenance department
T 1Hall general affairs section
T 1Hall accounting section
T 3Hall accounting section
T Kure accounting section
T 1Hall educational affairs section
T Higashi Remedial
T Kure Remedial
T 3Hall educational affairs section
T 1Hall student affairs office
T 1Hall entrance examination Center
T 1Hall Information Center
T 1Hall Clinical Psychology Center
T Hiroshima Clinical Psychology Center
T 1Hall educational affairs section
T 3Hall educational affairs section
T Kure student affairs office
T 1Hall division of career services
T Kure division of career services
T 1Hall Nuse's Office
T Hiroshima educational affairs section
T majar of architecture
T majar of Information
T 1Hall MEXT
T 1Hall JSPS
T 1Hall MEXT
T 1Hall JSPS
T 1Hall MHLW
T 1Hall MHLW
T 3Hall MEXT
T 3Hall JSPS
T 3Hall MEXT
T 3Hall JSPS
T 3Hall MHLW
T 3Hall MHLW
T Major in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in Clinical Psychology Practice
T Major in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in medical treatment after
T Common to Nursing
T Faculty of Nursing
J junior and senior high school
J senior high school
J junior high school
Call No:
*Country code:
*Language code:
*Material format:
cassette tapes
record disks
micro films
roll films
16mm films
8mm films
slide films
video tapes
laser disks
blu-ray disks
floppy disks
3.5 floppy disks
other magnetic recordings
magneto-optical disks
other prints
motion pictures
video 8mm vtr
denshi books
electronic books
electronic journals
osaka institute of technology
osaka institute of technology
K research
K faculty of engineering
K faculty of engineering office
K monozukuri lecture
K experiment fair
K oit C
K oit A
K oit E
K oit M
K oit K
K oit D
K oit B
K oit V
K oit W
K oit L
K oit R
K oit U
K general education
K general applied physics
K general physical geography
K general chemistry
K general humanities
K general language study
K general physics
K general mathematics
K general gymnastics
K general byology
K general physical geography
K general applied physics
K general chemistry
K general byology
K general physics
K general mathematics
K general mathematical principle
K general education office
K Yawata engineering experimentation place
K oit P
K oit P (graduate school)
K oit P (graduate school) subsidy
K oit P language study subsidy
K oit P humanities subsidy
K oit P gymnastics subsidy
K comprehensive humanics
K comprehensive human sociology
K comprehensive language
K comprehensive gymnastics
K oit P(graduate school)
K audio-visual
K educational affairs section
K teacher training
K liaison center
K research support promotion center
K engineering works material
K office
K accounting section
K accounting section indirect cost
K accounting section science instruction subsidy
K accounting section science instruction subsidy
K commission 2005
K commission 2025
K commission 2021
K commission 2029
K commission 1005
K joint research 2082
K sponsored research 1002
K commission 1004
K scientific research 5009
K scientific research 5006
K scientific research 5012
K scientific research 5007
K scientific research 5042
K scientific research 5053
K scientific research 5062
K scientific research 5069
K scientific research 5048
K scientific research 5067
K scientific research 2003
K scientific research 2303
K scientific research 5072
K scientific research 5071
K scientific research 2007
K scientific research 2709
K scientific research 2716
K scientific research 2013
K scientific research 5070
K scientific research 2305
K scientific research 2005
K scientific research 5045
K scientific research 2612
K scientific research 5013
K scientific research 5044
K scientific research 2002
K scientific research 2018
K scientific research 2401
K scientific research 2014
K scientific research 2028
K scientific research 4007
K scientific research 2040
K scientific research 2038
K scientific research 2307
K scientific research 2742
K scientific research 2048
K scientific research 2308
K scientific research 2042
K scientific research 2301
K scientific research 2310
K encouragement research 4216
K scholarship donation 3018
K scholarship donation 3017
K scholarship donation 3037
K scholarship donation 3046
K scholarship donation 3008
K scholarship donation 1003
K scholarship donation 3058
K scholarship donation 1002
K scholarship donation 1004
K scholarship donation 1005
K scholarship donation 1006
K scholarship donation 1007
K scholarship donation 1008
K scholarship donation 3095
K encouragement research 4215
K encouragement research 4202
K encouragement research 4207
K encouragement research 4248
K encouragement research 1023
K encouragement research 1026
K encouragement research 1025
K encouragement research 1027
K encouragement research 1028
K encouragement research 1029
K sponsored research 2034
K joint research 2065
K sponsored research 2077
K sponsored research 2081
K sponsored research 1003
K sponsored research 5101
K specialist graduate school
K indirect cost 5080
K specialist graduate school
K oit P GP
K oit P (graduate school) encouragement research 1
K oit P (graduate school) encouragement research 2
K oit P (graduate school) JICA
K oit P (graduate school) academic research environment
K oit P (graduate school) teacher commendation
K oit P teacher commendation
K oit P subsidy
K faculty of engineering office
K oit C subsidy
K oit V subsidy
K oit W subsidy
K oit A subsidy
K oit B subsidy
K oit M subsidy
K oit L subsidy
K oit E subsidy
K oit D subsidy
K oit K subsidy
K oit G subsidy
K oit U subsidy
K oit R subsidy
K subsidy accounting section subsidy
K faculty of engineering research environment
K faculty of engineering research environment
K president discretionary budget
K president discretionary budget
K division of career services
K teacher training subsidy
K school infirmary
K machining operation
K faculty of information science and technology
K oit IC
K oit IS
K accounting section
K scientific research 5059
K scientific research 2205
K scholarship donation 8001
K scholarship donation 8009
K scholarship donation 8010
K scholarship donation 8012
K oit IM
K commission 7010
K commission O-JST
K academic research environment maintenance
K oit IN
K encouragement research 4243
K encouragement research 4244
K research project 9002
K library
K library omiya
K oit V reorganization
K oit W reorganization
K oit L reorganization
K oit U reorganization
K oit R reorganization
K library hirakata
K library umeda
K oit W
K oit R
K oit S
K hiroshima international university
K administration office
K educational research
K management cost
setsunan university
S research
S faculty of science and engineering
S civil and environmental engineering
S civil and environmental engineering
S living and environmental design
S architecture
S architecture
S life science
S electrical and electronic engineering
S electrical and electronic engineering
S mechanical engineering
S mechanical engineering
S engineering and management
S engineering and management
S mathematics and physics
S fundamental science and engineering
S machining operation
S techno center
S health and physical education
S common to science and engineering
S common to science and engineering
S all foreign studies
S foreign studies
S foreign studies
S teacher training
S teacher training
S learning support center
S business administration and information
S business administration
S law
S law
S pharmaceutical sciences
S medicinal pharmacology
S pharmacology
S microbiology
S biochemistry
S disease prevention science
S public health
S pharmaceutics
S clinical pharmaceutics
S clinical analytical chemistry
S pharmacognosy
S natural drug structural chemistry
S pharmaceutical chemistry
S pharmaceutical technochemistry
S pharmacotherapeutics
S chemical properties of chemicals
S pathological medical science
S pathology
S clinical pharmacy
S data processing
S shared use equipment
S practice・exercise
S joint use management
S managing animal rooms
S ri
S cryogenic room
S thermostatic chamber
S lan
S biomolecular analysis sience
S cell biology
S library committee
S common
S pharmacy education
S medical phermacy
S clinical Phermacy
S plant
S plactical medicin research
S pharmaceutical education center
S life fusion chemistory
S functional morphology
S integrated pharmacy
S sports promotion
S sports promotion
S faculty of economics
S library
S library neyagawa
S library hirakata
S planning section
S planning section
S general affairs section
S general affairs section
S accounting section
S accounting section
S educational affairs section
S educational affairs section
S student affairs office
S student affairs office
S school infirmary
S division of admission
S division of admission
S division of career services
S division of career services
S media center
S media center
S research support center
S community cooperation center
S community cooperation center
S international exchange center
S office of the faculty of engineering
S office of the faculty of science and engineering
S office of the faculty of foreign studies
S office of the faculty of foreign studies
S office of the faculty of business administration and information
S office of the faculty of business administration
S office of the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
S office of the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
S office of the faculty of law
S office of the faculty of law
S office of the faculty of economics
H junior high school high school
H1 high school
H2 junior high school
H1 subsidy
H1 Japanese language sudsidy
H1 social studies subsidy
H1 mathematics subsidy
H1 science subsidy
H1 English language subsidy
H1 physical education subsidy
H1 information subsidy
H1 assistant principal subsidy
H1 office subsidy
H1 mathematics
H2 subsidy
Hiroshima International University
T 1Hall
T 3Hall
T kure Branch
T Hiroshima Branch
T 1Hall Library
T 3Hall Library
T Kure BranchLibrary
T Hiroshima Branch Library
T 1general affairs section
T 3general affairs section
T Kure general affairs section
T Faculty of Health Sciences
T Common to Health Sciences
T Department of Nursing
T Department of Medical radiation
T Department of clinical engineering
T Department of physical therapy
T Department osynthetic rehabilitation
T Majar in medical treatment before
T Department of Nursing old
T Majar in Nursing old
T Faculty of Health and Welfare
T Common Faculty of Health and Welfare
T Department of Health and Social Services
T Majar in Health and Social Services
T Department of Health Services Management
T Majar in Health Services Management
T Health Sciences MEXT
T Health Sciences MEXT
T Health Sciences JSPS
T Health Sciences JSPS
T medical welfare MEXT
T medical welfare MEXT
T medical welfare JSPS
T medical welfare JSPS
T medical welfare MHLW
T medical welfare MHLW
T Faculty of Clinical Psychological
T Common to Clinical Psychological
T Clinical Psychological
T Department English and Communication
T Majar in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in Clinical Psychology Practice
T Majar in English and Communication
T Department of kansei Information
T Majar in kansei Information
T English and Communication Psychological
T teaching profession classroom
T east
T psychological clinic Center
T Psychological Science MEXT
T Psychological Science MEXT
T Psychological Science JSPS
T Psychological Science JSPS
T Psychological Science JSPS b
T Clinical Psychology Practice MEXT
T Clinical Psychology Practice MEXT
T Clinical Psychology Practice JSPS
T Clinical Psychology Practice JSPS
T faculty of social environment
T social environment architecture
T social environment living and environmental design
T social environment Information
T faculty of science and engineering
T common to science and engineering
T science and engineering architecture
T science and engineering living and environmental design
T science and engineering information
T science and engineering mechanical engineering
T Majar in social environment yosan
T Majar in social environment yosan
T Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
T Faculty of Nursing
T Faculty of Clinical Nutrition
T Faculty of Health Services Management
T Majar of Health Services Management
T Health Services Management MEXT
T Majar in Nursing
T Majar in Midwife services
T Nursing JSPS
T Nursing JSPS s-yosan
T science and engineering MEXT
T science and engineering MEXT
T science and engineering JSPS
T science and engineering JSPS
T science and engineering JSPS b
T science and engineering JSPS b
T Nursing MEXT
T Nursing MEXT
T Nursing JSPS
T Nursing JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences MEXT
T Pharmaceutical Sciences MEXT
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
Hiroshima International University Kure
T Installation expenses
T 1Hall planning section
T 1Hall maintenance department
T 1Hall general affairs section
T 1Hall accounting section
T 3Hall accounting section
T Kure accounting section
T 1Hall educational affairs section
T Higashi Remedial
T Kure Remedial
T 3Hall educational affairs section
T 1Hall student affairs office
T 1Hall entrance examination Center
T 1Hall Information Center
T 1Hall Clinical Psychology Center
T Hiroshima Clinical Psychology Center
T 1Hall educational affairs section
T 3Hall educational affairs section
T Kure student affairs office
T 1Hall division of career services
T Kure division of career services
T 1Hall Nuse's Office
T Hiroshima educational affairs section
T majar of architecture
T majar of Information
T 1Hall MEXT
T 1Hall JSPS
T 1Hall MEXT
T 1Hall JSPS
T 1Hall MHLW
T 1Hall MHLW
T 3Hall MEXT
T 3Hall JSPS
T 3Hall MEXT
T 3Hall JSPS
T 3Hall MHLW
T 3Hall MHLW
T Major in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in Clinical Psychology Practice
T Major in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in medical treatment after
T Common to Nursing
T Faculty of Nursing
J junior and senior high school
J senior high school
J junior high school
Sort by:
List count:
10 Items
20 Items
50 Items
100 Items
List count:
10 Items
20 Items
50 Items
100 Items
●Holding library
OITL:Osaka Institute of Technology Library
OITUBL:Osaka Institute of Technology Umeda Branch Library
OITHBL:Osaka Institute of Technology Hirakata Branch Library
SUL:Setsunan University Library
SUHBL:Setsunan University Hirakata Branch Library
HIU1H:Hiroshima International University 1Hall
HIU3H:Hiroshima International University 3Hall
HIUKB:Hiroshima International University Kure Branch
JSHS:Josho Gakuen Junior High School・High School Library
JKHS:Josho Keiko Gakuen Junior and Senior High School Library
contains review and tag
contains review and tag
*Material type:
Thesis or Dissertation
Bibliography in the Library:
search bibliography in the Library
Authors name
Authors name
Authors name
Authors name
*Publication year:
*Country code:
*Language code:
Bibliography ID:
Registration number:
*Material format:
cassette tapes
record disks
micro films
roll films
16mm films
8mm films
slide films
video tapes
laser disks
blu-ray disks
floppy disks
3.5 floppy disks
other magnetic recordings
magneto-optical disks
other prints
motion pictures
video 8mm vtr
denshi books
electronic books
electronic journals
Material ID:
osaka institute of technology
osaka institute of technology
K research
K faculty of engineering
K faculty of engineering office
K monozukuri lecture
K experiment fair
K oit C
K oit A
K oit E
K oit M
K oit K
K oit D
K oit B
K oit V
K oit W
K oit L
K oit R
K oit U
K general education
K general applied physics
K general physical geography
K general chemistry
K general humanities
K general language study
K general physics
K general mathematics
K general gymnastics
K general byology
K general physical geography
K general applied physics
K general chemistry
K general byology
K general physics
K general mathematics
K general mathematical principle
K general education office
K Yawata engineering experimentation place
K oit P
K oit P (graduate school)
K oit P (graduate school) subsidy
K oit P language study subsidy
K oit P humanities subsidy
K oit P gymnastics subsidy
K comprehensive humanics
K comprehensive human sociology
K comprehensive language
K comprehensive gymnastics
K oit P(graduate school)
K audio-visual
K educational affairs section
K teacher training
K liaison center
K research support promotion center
K engineering works material
K office
K accounting section
K accounting section indirect cost
K accounting section science instruction subsidy
K accounting section science instruction subsidy
K commission 2005
K commission 2025
K commission 2021
K commission 2029
K commission 1005
K joint research 2082
K sponsored research 1002
K commission 1004
K scientific research 5009
K scientific research 5006
K scientific research 5012
K scientific research 5007
K scientific research 5042
K scientific research 5053
K scientific research 5062
K scientific research 5069
K scientific research 5048
K scientific research 5067
K scientific research 2003
K scientific research 2303
K scientific research 5072
K scientific research 5071
K scientific research 2007
K scientific research 2709
K scientific research 2716
K scientific research 2013
K scientific research 5070
K scientific research 2305
K scientific research 2005
K scientific research 5045
K scientific research 2612
K scientific research 5013
K scientific research 5044
K scientific research 2002
K scientific research 2018
K scientific research 2401
K scientific research 2014
K scientific research 2028
K scientific research 4007
K scientific research 2040
K scientific research 2038
K scientific research 2307
K scientific research 2742
K scientific research 2048
K scientific research 2308
K scientific research 2042
K scientific research 2301
K scientific research 2310
K encouragement research 4216
K scholarship donation 3018
K scholarship donation 3017
K scholarship donation 3037
K scholarship donation 3046
K scholarship donation 3008
K scholarship donation 1003
K scholarship donation 3058
K scholarship donation 1002
K scholarship donation 1004
K scholarship donation 1005
K scholarship donation 1006
K scholarship donation 1007
K scholarship donation 1008
K scholarship donation 3095
K encouragement research 4215
K encouragement research 4202
K encouragement research 4207
K encouragement research 4248
K encouragement research 1023
K encouragement research 1026
K encouragement research 1025
K encouragement research 1027
K encouragement research 1028
K encouragement research 1029
K sponsored research 2034
K joint research 2065
K sponsored research 2077
K sponsored research 2081
K sponsored research 1003
K sponsored research 5101
K specialist graduate school
K indirect cost 5080
K specialist graduate school
K oit P GP
K oit P (graduate school) encouragement research 1
K oit P (graduate school) encouragement research 2
K oit P (graduate school) JICA
K oit P (graduate school) academic research environment
K oit P (graduate school) teacher commendation
K oit P teacher commendation
K oit P subsidy
K faculty of engineering office
K oit C subsidy
K oit V subsidy
K oit W subsidy
K oit A subsidy
K oit B subsidy
K oit M subsidy
K oit L subsidy
K oit E subsidy
K oit D subsidy
K oit K subsidy
K oit G subsidy
K oit U subsidy
K oit R subsidy
K subsidy accounting section subsidy
K faculty of engineering research environment
K faculty of engineering research environment
K president discretionary budget
K president discretionary budget
K division of career services
K teacher training subsidy
K school infirmary
K machining operation
K faculty of information science and technology
K oit IC
K oit IS
K accounting section
K scientific research 5059
K scientific research 2205
K scholarship donation 8001
K scholarship donation 8009
K scholarship donation 8010
K scholarship donation 8012
K oit IM
K commission 7010
K commission O-JST
K academic research environment maintenance
K oit IN
K encouragement research 4243
K encouragement research 4244
K research project 9002
K library
K library omiya
K oit V reorganization
K oit W reorganization
K oit L reorganization
K oit U reorganization
K oit R reorganization
K library hirakata
K library umeda
K oit W
K oit R
K oit S
K hiroshima international university
K administration office
K educational research
K management cost
setsunan university
S research
S faculty of science and engineering
S civil and environmental engineering
S civil and environmental engineering
S living and environmental design
S architecture
S architecture
S life science
S electrical and electronic engineering
S electrical and electronic engineering
S mechanical engineering
S mechanical engineering
S engineering and management
S engineering and management
S mathematics and physics
S fundamental science and engineering
S machining operation
S techno center
S health and physical education
S common to science and engineering
S common to science and engineering
S all foreign studies
S foreign studies
S foreign studies
S teacher training
S teacher training
S learning support center
S business administration and information
S business administration
S law
S law
S pharmaceutical sciences
S medicinal pharmacology
S pharmacology
S microbiology
S biochemistry
S disease prevention science
S public health
S pharmaceutics
S clinical pharmaceutics
S clinical analytical chemistry
S pharmacognosy
S natural drug structural chemistry
S pharmaceutical chemistry
S pharmaceutical technochemistry
S pharmacotherapeutics
S chemical properties of chemicals
S pathological medical science
S pathology
S clinical pharmacy
S data processing
S shared use equipment
S practice・exercise
S joint use management
S managing animal rooms
S ri
S cryogenic room
S thermostatic chamber
S lan
S biomolecular analysis sience
S cell biology
S library committee
S common
S pharmacy education
S medical phermacy
S clinical Phermacy
S plant
S plactical medicin research
S pharmaceutical education center
S life fusion chemistory
S functional morphology
S integrated pharmacy
S sports promotion
S sports promotion
S faculty of economics
S library
S library neyagawa
S library hirakata
S planning section
S planning section
S general affairs section
S general affairs section
S accounting section
S accounting section
S educational affairs section
S educational affairs section
S student affairs office
S student affairs office
S school infirmary
S division of admission
S division of admission
S division of career services
S division of career services
S media center
S media center
S research support center
S community cooperation center
S community cooperation center
S international exchange center
S office of the faculty of engineering
S office of the faculty of science and engineering
S office of the faculty of foreign studies
S office of the faculty of foreign studies
S office of the faculty of business administration and information
S office of the faculty of business administration
S office of the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
S office of the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
S office of the faculty of law
S office of the faculty of law
S office of the faculty of economics
H junior high school high school
H1 high school
H2 junior high school
H1 subsidy
H1 Japanese language sudsidy
H1 social studies subsidy
H1 mathematics subsidy
H1 science subsidy
H1 English language subsidy
H1 physical education subsidy
H1 information subsidy
H1 assistant principal subsidy
H1 office subsidy
H1 mathematics
H2 subsidy
Hiroshima International University
T 1Hall
T 3Hall
T kure Branch
T Hiroshima Branch
T 1Hall Library
T 3Hall Library
T Kure BranchLibrary
T Hiroshima Branch Library
T 1general affairs section
T 3general affairs section
T Kure general affairs section
T Faculty of Health Sciences
T Common to Health Sciences
T Department of Nursing
T Department of Medical radiation
T Department of clinical engineering
T Department of physical therapy
T Department osynthetic rehabilitation
T Majar in medical treatment before
T Department of Nursing old
T Majar in Nursing old
T Faculty of Health and Welfare
T Common Faculty of Health and Welfare
T Department of Health and Social Services
T Majar in Health and Social Services
T Department of Health Services Management
T Majar in Health Services Management
T Health Sciences MEXT
T Health Sciences MEXT
T Health Sciences JSPS
T Health Sciences JSPS
T medical welfare MEXT
T medical welfare MEXT
T medical welfare JSPS
T medical welfare JSPS
T medical welfare MHLW
T medical welfare MHLW
T Faculty of Clinical Psychological
T Common to Clinical Psychological
T Clinical Psychological
T Department English and Communication
T Majar in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in Clinical Psychology Practice
T Majar in English and Communication
T Department of kansei Information
T Majar in kansei Information
T English and Communication Psychological
T teaching profession classroom
T east
T psychological clinic Center
T Psychological Science MEXT
T Psychological Science MEXT
T Psychological Science JSPS
T Psychological Science JSPS
T Psychological Science JSPS b
T Clinical Psychology Practice MEXT
T Clinical Psychology Practice MEXT
T Clinical Psychology Practice JSPS
T Clinical Psychology Practice JSPS
T faculty of social environment
T social environment architecture
T social environment living and environmental design
T social environment Information
T faculty of science and engineering
T common to science and engineering
T science and engineering architecture
T science and engineering living and environmental design
T science and engineering information
T science and engineering mechanical engineering
T Majar in social environment yosan
T Majar in social environment yosan
T Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
T Faculty of Nursing
T Faculty of Clinical Nutrition
T Faculty of Health Services Management
T Majar of Health Services Management
T Health Services Management MEXT
T Majar in Nursing
T Majar in Midwife services
T Nursing JSPS
T Nursing JSPS s-yosan
T science and engineering MEXT
T science and engineering MEXT
T science and engineering JSPS
T science and engineering JSPS
T science and engineering JSPS b
T science and engineering JSPS b
T Nursing MEXT
T Nursing MEXT
T Nursing JSPS
T Nursing JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences MEXT
T Pharmaceutical Sciences MEXT
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
Hiroshima International University Kure
T Installation expenses
T 1Hall planning section
T 1Hall maintenance department
T 1Hall general affairs section
T 1Hall accounting section
T 3Hall accounting section
T Kure accounting section
T 1Hall educational affairs section
T Higashi Remedial
T Kure Remedial
T 3Hall educational affairs section
T 1Hall student affairs office
T 1Hall entrance examination Center
T 1Hall Information Center
T 1Hall Clinical Psychology Center
T Hiroshima Clinical Psychology Center
T 1Hall educational affairs section
T 3Hall educational affairs section
T Kure student affairs office
T 1Hall division of career services
T Kure division of career services
T 1Hall Nuse's Office
T Hiroshima educational affairs section
T majar of architecture
T majar of Information
T 1Hall MEXT
T 1Hall JSPS
T 1Hall MEXT
T 1Hall JSPS
T 1Hall MHLW
T 1Hall MHLW
T 3Hall MEXT
T 3Hall JSPS
T 3Hall MEXT
T 3Hall JSPS
T 3Hall MHLW
T 3Hall MHLW
T Major in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in Clinical Psychology Practice
T Major in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in medical treatment after
T Common to Nursing
T Faculty of Nursing
J junior and senior high school
J senior high school
J junior high school
Call No:
*Country code:
*Language code:
*Material format:
cassette tapes
record disks
micro films
roll films
16mm films
8mm films
slide films
video tapes
laser disks
blu-ray disks
floppy disks
3.5 floppy disks
other magnetic recordings
magneto-optical disks
other prints
motion pictures
video 8mm vtr
denshi books
electronic books
electronic journals
osaka institute of technology
osaka institute of technology
K research
K faculty of engineering
K faculty of engineering office
K monozukuri lecture
K experiment fair
K oit C
K oit A
K oit E
K oit M
K oit K
K oit D
K oit B
K oit V
K oit W
K oit L
K oit R
K oit U
K general education
K general applied physics
K general physical geography
K general chemistry
K general humanities
K general language study
K general physics
K general mathematics
K general gymnastics
K general byology
K general physical geography
K general applied physics
K general chemistry
K general byology
K general physics
K general mathematics
K general mathematical principle
K general education office
K Yawata engineering experimentation place
K oit P
K oit P (graduate school)
K oit P (graduate school) subsidy
K oit P language study subsidy
K oit P humanities subsidy
K oit P gymnastics subsidy
K comprehensive humanics
K comprehensive human sociology
K comprehensive language
K comprehensive gymnastics
K oit P(graduate school)
K audio-visual
K educational affairs section
K teacher training
K liaison center
K research support promotion center
K engineering works material
K office
K accounting section
K accounting section indirect cost
K accounting section science instruction subsidy
K accounting section science instruction subsidy
K commission 2005
K commission 2025
K commission 2021
K commission 2029
K commission 1005
K joint research 2082
K sponsored research 1002
K commission 1004
K scientific research 5009
K scientific research 5006
K scientific research 5012
K scientific research 5007
K scientific research 5042
K scientific research 5053
K scientific research 5062
K scientific research 5069
K scientific research 5048
K scientific research 5067
K scientific research 2003
K scientific research 2303
K scientific research 5072
K scientific research 5071
K scientific research 2007
K scientific research 2709
K scientific research 2716
K scientific research 2013
K scientific research 5070
K scientific research 2305
K scientific research 2005
K scientific research 5045
K scientific research 2612
K scientific research 5013
K scientific research 5044
K scientific research 2002
K scientific research 2018
K scientific research 2401
K scientific research 2014
K scientific research 2028
K scientific research 4007
K scientific research 2040
K scientific research 2038
K scientific research 2307
K scientific research 2742
K scientific research 2048
K scientific research 2308
K scientific research 2042
K scientific research 2301
K scientific research 2310
K encouragement research 4216
K scholarship donation 3018
K scholarship donation 3017
K scholarship donation 3037
K scholarship donation 3046
K scholarship donation 3008
K scholarship donation 1003
K scholarship donation 3058
K scholarship donation 1002
K scholarship donation 1004
K scholarship donation 1005
K scholarship donation 1006
K scholarship donation 1007
K scholarship donation 1008
K scholarship donation 3095
K encouragement research 4215
K encouragement research 4202
K encouragement research 4207
K encouragement research 4248
K encouragement research 1023
K encouragement research 1026
K encouragement research 1025
K encouragement research 1027
K encouragement research 1028
K encouragement research 1029
K sponsored research 2034
K joint research 2065
K sponsored research 2077
K sponsored research 2081
K sponsored research 1003
K sponsored research 5101
K specialist graduate school
K indirect cost 5080
K specialist graduate school
K oit P GP
K oit P (graduate school) encouragement research 1
K oit P (graduate school) encouragement research 2
K oit P (graduate school) JICA
K oit P (graduate school) academic research environment
K oit P (graduate school) teacher commendation
K oit P teacher commendation
K oit P subsidy
K faculty of engineering office
K oit C subsidy
K oit V subsidy
K oit W subsidy
K oit A subsidy
K oit B subsidy
K oit M subsidy
K oit L subsidy
K oit E subsidy
K oit D subsidy
K oit K subsidy
K oit G subsidy
K oit U subsidy
K oit R subsidy
K subsidy accounting section subsidy
K faculty of engineering research environment
K faculty of engineering research environment
K president discretionary budget
K president discretionary budget
K division of career services
K teacher training subsidy
K school infirmary
K machining operation
K faculty of information science and technology
K oit IC
K oit IS
K accounting section
K scientific research 5059
K scientific research 2205
K scholarship donation 8001
K scholarship donation 8009
K scholarship donation 8010
K scholarship donation 8012
K oit IM
K commission 7010
K commission O-JST
K academic research environment maintenance
K oit IN
K encouragement research 4243
K encouragement research 4244
K research project 9002
K library
K library omiya
K oit V reorganization
K oit W reorganization
K oit L reorganization
K oit U reorganization
K oit R reorganization
K library hirakata
K library umeda
K oit W
K oit R
K oit S
K hiroshima international university
K administration office
K educational research
K management cost
setsunan university
S research
S faculty of science and engineering
S civil and environmental engineering
S civil and environmental engineering
S living and environmental design
S architecture
S architecture
S life science
S electrical and electronic engineering
S electrical and electronic engineering
S mechanical engineering
S mechanical engineering
S engineering and management
S engineering and management
S mathematics and physics
S fundamental science and engineering
S machining operation
S techno center
S health and physical education
S common to science and engineering
S common to science and engineering
S all foreign studies
S foreign studies
S foreign studies
S teacher training
S teacher training
S learning support center
S business administration and information
S business administration
S law
S law
S pharmaceutical sciences
S medicinal pharmacology
S pharmacology
S microbiology
S biochemistry
S disease prevention science
S public health
S pharmaceutics
S clinical pharmaceutics
S clinical analytical chemistry
S pharmacognosy
S natural drug structural chemistry
S pharmaceutical chemistry
S pharmaceutical technochemistry
S pharmacotherapeutics
S chemical properties of chemicals
S pathological medical science
S pathology
S clinical pharmacy
S data processing
S shared use equipment
S practice・exercise
S joint use management
S managing animal rooms
S ri
S cryogenic room
S thermostatic chamber
S lan
S biomolecular analysis sience
S cell biology
S library committee
S common
S pharmacy education
S medical phermacy
S clinical Phermacy
S plant
S plactical medicin research
S pharmaceutical education center
S life fusion chemistory
S functional morphology
S integrated pharmacy
S sports promotion
S sports promotion
S faculty of economics
S library
S library neyagawa
S library hirakata
S planning section
S planning section
S general affairs section
S general affairs section
S accounting section
S accounting section
S educational affairs section
S educational affairs section
S student affairs office
S student affairs office
S school infirmary
S division of admission
S division of admission
S division of career services
S division of career services
S media center
S media center
S research support center
S community cooperation center
S community cooperation center
S international exchange center
S office of the faculty of engineering
S office of the faculty of science and engineering
S office of the faculty of foreign studies
S office of the faculty of foreign studies
S office of the faculty of business administration and information
S office of the faculty of business administration
S office of the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
S office of the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
S office of the faculty of law
S office of the faculty of law
S office of the faculty of economics
H junior high school high school
H1 high school
H2 junior high school
H1 subsidy
H1 Japanese language sudsidy
H1 social studies subsidy
H1 mathematics subsidy
H1 science subsidy
H1 English language subsidy
H1 physical education subsidy
H1 information subsidy
H1 assistant principal subsidy
H1 office subsidy
H1 mathematics
H2 subsidy
Hiroshima International University
T 1Hall
T 3Hall
T kure Branch
T Hiroshima Branch
T 1Hall Library
T 3Hall Library
T Kure BranchLibrary
T Hiroshima Branch Library
T 1general affairs section
T 3general affairs section
T Kure general affairs section
T Faculty of Health Sciences
T Common to Health Sciences
T Department of Nursing
T Department of Medical radiation
T Department of clinical engineering
T Department of physical therapy
T Department osynthetic rehabilitation
T Majar in medical treatment before
T Department of Nursing old
T Majar in Nursing old
T Faculty of Health and Welfare
T Common Faculty of Health and Welfare
T Department of Health and Social Services
T Majar in Health and Social Services
T Department of Health Services Management
T Majar in Health Services Management
T Health Sciences MEXT
T Health Sciences MEXT
T Health Sciences JSPS
T Health Sciences JSPS
T medical welfare MEXT
T medical welfare MEXT
T medical welfare JSPS
T medical welfare JSPS
T medical welfare MHLW
T medical welfare MHLW
T Faculty of Clinical Psychological
T Common to Clinical Psychological
T Clinical Psychological
T Department English and Communication
T Majar in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in Clinical Psychology Practice
T Majar in English and Communication
T Department of kansei Information
T Majar in kansei Information
T English and Communication Psychological
T teaching profession classroom
T east
T psychological clinic Center
T Psychological Science MEXT
T Psychological Science MEXT
T Psychological Science JSPS
T Psychological Science JSPS
T Psychological Science JSPS b
T Clinical Psychology Practice MEXT
T Clinical Psychology Practice MEXT
T Clinical Psychology Practice JSPS
T Clinical Psychology Practice JSPS
T faculty of social environment
T social environment architecture
T social environment living and environmental design
T social environment Information
T faculty of science and engineering
T common to science and engineering
T science and engineering architecture
T science and engineering living and environmental design
T science and engineering information
T science and engineering mechanical engineering
T Majar in social environment yosan
T Majar in social environment yosan
T Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
T Faculty of Nursing
T Faculty of Clinical Nutrition
T Faculty of Health Services Management
T Majar of Health Services Management
T Health Services Management MEXT
T Majar in Nursing
T Majar in Midwife services
T Nursing JSPS
T Nursing JSPS s-yosan
T science and engineering MEXT
T science and engineering MEXT
T science and engineering JSPS
T science and engineering JSPS
T science and engineering JSPS b
T science and engineering JSPS b
T Nursing MEXT
T Nursing MEXT
T Nursing JSPS
T Nursing JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences MEXT
T Pharmaceutical Sciences MEXT
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
Hiroshima International University Kure
T Installation expenses
T 1Hall planning section
T 1Hall maintenance department
T 1Hall general affairs section
T 1Hall accounting section
T 3Hall accounting section
T Kure accounting section
T 1Hall educational affairs section
T Higashi Remedial
T Kure Remedial
T 3Hall educational affairs section
T 1Hall student affairs office
T 1Hall entrance examination Center
T 1Hall Information Center
T 1Hall Clinical Psychology Center
T Hiroshima Clinical Psychology Center
T 1Hall educational affairs section
T 3Hall educational affairs section
T Kure student affairs office
T 1Hall division of career services
T Kure division of career services
T 1Hall Nuse's Office
T Hiroshima educational affairs section
T majar of architecture
T majar of Information
T 1Hall MEXT
T 1Hall JSPS
T 1Hall MEXT
T 1Hall JSPS
T 1Hall MHLW
T 1Hall MHLW
T 3Hall MEXT
T 3Hall JSPS
T 3Hall MEXT
T 3Hall JSPS
T 3Hall MHLW
T 3Hall MHLW
T Major in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in Clinical Psychology Practice
T Major in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in medical treatment after
T Common to Nursing
T Faculty of Nursing
J junior and senior high school
J senior high school
J junior high school
Sort by:
List count:
10 Items
20 Items
50 Items
100 Items
List count:
10 Items
20 Items
50 Items
100 Items
●Holding library
OITL:Osaka Institute of Technology Library
OITUBL:Osaka Institute of Technology Umeda Branch Library
OITHBL:Osaka Institute of Technology Hirakata Branch Library
SUL:Setsunan University Library
SUHBL:Setsunan University Hirakata Branch Library
HIU1H:Hiroshima International University 1Hall
HIU3H:Hiroshima International University 3Hall
HIUKB:Hiroshima International University Kure Branch
JSHS:Josho Gakuen Junior High School・High School Library
JKHS:Josho Keiko Gakuen Junior and Senior High School Library
contains review and tag
contains review and tag
*Material type:
Thesis or Dissertation
Bibliography in the Library:
search bibliography in the Library
Authors name
Authors name
Authors name
Authors name
*Publication year:
*Country code:
*Language code:
Bibliography ID:
Registration number:
*Material format:
cassette tapes
record disks
micro films
roll films
16mm films
8mm films
slide films
video tapes
laser disks
blu-ray disks
floppy disks
3.5 floppy disks
other magnetic recordings
magneto-optical disks
other prints
motion pictures
video 8mm vtr
denshi books
electronic books
electronic journals
Material ID:
osaka institute of technology
osaka institute of technology
K research
K faculty of engineering
K faculty of engineering office
K monozukuri lecture
K experiment fair
K oit C
K oit A
K oit E
K oit M
K oit K
K oit D
K oit B
K oit V
K oit W
K oit L
K oit R
K oit U
K general education
K general applied physics
K general physical geography
K general chemistry
K general humanities
K general language study
K general physics
K general mathematics
K general gymnastics
K general byology
K general physical geography
K general applied physics
K general chemistry
K general byology
K general physics
K general mathematics
K general mathematical principle
K general education office
K Yawata engineering experimentation place
K oit P
K oit P (graduate school)
K oit P (graduate school) subsidy
K oit P language study subsidy
K oit P humanities subsidy
K oit P gymnastics subsidy
K comprehensive humanics
K comprehensive human sociology
K comprehensive language
K comprehensive gymnastics
K oit P(graduate school)
K audio-visual
K educational affairs section
K teacher training
K liaison center
K research support promotion center
K engineering works material
K office
K accounting section
K accounting section indirect cost
K accounting section science instruction subsidy
K accounting section science instruction subsidy
K commission 2005
K commission 2025
K commission 2021
K commission 2029
K commission 1005
K joint research 2082
K sponsored research 1002
K commission 1004
K scientific research 5009
K scientific research 5006
K scientific research 5012
K scientific research 5007
K scientific research 5042
K scientific research 5053
K scientific research 5062
K scientific research 5069
K scientific research 5048
K scientific research 5067
K scientific research 2003
K scientific research 2303
K scientific research 5072
K scientific research 5071
K scientific research 2007
K scientific research 2709
K scientific research 2716
K scientific research 2013
K scientific research 5070
K scientific research 2305
K scientific research 2005
K scientific research 5045
K scientific research 2612
K scientific research 5013
K scientific research 5044
K scientific research 2002
K scientific research 2018
K scientific research 2401
K scientific research 2014
K scientific research 2028
K scientific research 4007
K scientific research 2040
K scientific research 2038
K scientific research 2307
K scientific research 2742
K scientific research 2048
K scientific research 2308
K scientific research 2042
K scientific research 2301
K scientific research 2310
K encouragement research 4216
K scholarship donation 3018
K scholarship donation 3017
K scholarship donation 3037
K scholarship donation 3046
K scholarship donation 3008
K scholarship donation 1003
K scholarship donation 3058
K scholarship donation 1002
K scholarship donation 1004
K scholarship donation 1005
K scholarship donation 1006
K scholarship donation 1007
K scholarship donation 1008
K scholarship donation 3095
K encouragement research 4215
K encouragement research 4202
K encouragement research 4207
K encouragement research 4248
K encouragement research 1023
K encouragement research 1026
K encouragement research 1025
K encouragement research 1027
K encouragement research 1028
K encouragement research 1029
K sponsored research 2034
K joint research 2065
K sponsored research 2077
K sponsored research 2081
K sponsored research 1003
K sponsored research 5101
K specialist graduate school
K indirect cost 5080
K specialist graduate school
K oit P GP
K oit P (graduate school) encouragement research 1
K oit P (graduate school) encouragement research 2
K oit P (graduate school) JICA
K oit P (graduate school) academic research environment
K oit P (graduate school) teacher commendation
K oit P teacher commendation
K oit P subsidy
K faculty of engineering office
K oit C subsidy
K oit V subsidy
K oit W subsidy
K oit A subsidy
K oit B subsidy
K oit M subsidy
K oit L subsidy
K oit E subsidy
K oit D subsidy
K oit K subsidy
K oit G subsidy
K oit U subsidy
K oit R subsidy
K subsidy accounting section subsidy
K faculty of engineering research environment
K faculty of engineering research environment
K president discretionary budget
K president discretionary budget
K division of career services
K teacher training subsidy
K school infirmary
K machining operation
K faculty of information science and technology
K oit IC
K oit IS
K accounting section
K scientific research 5059
K scientific research 2205
K scholarship donation 8001
K scholarship donation 8009
K scholarship donation 8010
K scholarship donation 8012
K oit IM
K commission 7010
K commission O-JST
K academic research environment maintenance
K oit IN
K encouragement research 4243
K encouragement research 4244
K research project 9002
K library
K library omiya
K oit V reorganization
K oit W reorganization
K oit L reorganization
K oit U reorganization
K oit R reorganization
K library hirakata
K library umeda
K oit W
K oit R
K oit S
K hiroshima international university
K administration office
K educational research
K management cost
setsunan university
S research
S faculty of science and engineering
S civil and environmental engineering
S civil and environmental engineering
S living and environmental design
S architecture
S architecture
S life science
S electrical and electronic engineering
S electrical and electronic engineering
S mechanical engineering
S mechanical engineering
S engineering and management
S engineering and management
S mathematics and physics
S fundamental science and engineering
S machining operation
S techno center
S health and physical education
S common to science and engineering
S common to science and engineering
S all foreign studies
S foreign studies
S foreign studies
S teacher training
S teacher training
S learning support center
S business administration and information
S business administration
S law
S law
S pharmaceutical sciences
S medicinal pharmacology
S pharmacology
S microbiology
S biochemistry
S disease prevention science
S public health
S pharmaceutics
S clinical pharmaceutics
S clinical analytical chemistry
S pharmacognosy
S natural drug structural chemistry
S pharmaceutical chemistry
S pharmaceutical technochemistry
S pharmacotherapeutics
S chemical properties of chemicals
S pathological medical science
S pathology
S clinical pharmacy
S data processing
S shared use equipment
S practice・exercise
S joint use management
S managing animal rooms
S ri
S cryogenic room
S thermostatic chamber
S lan
S biomolecular analysis sience
S cell biology
S library committee
S common
S pharmacy education
S medical phermacy
S clinical Phermacy
S plant
S plactical medicin research
S pharmaceutical education center
S life fusion chemistory
S functional morphology
S integrated pharmacy
S sports promotion
S sports promotion
S faculty of economics
S library
S library neyagawa
S library hirakata
S planning section
S planning section
S general affairs section
S general affairs section
S accounting section
S accounting section
S educational affairs section
S educational affairs section
S student affairs office
S student affairs office
S school infirmary
S division of admission
S division of admission
S division of career services
S division of career services
S media center
S media center
S research support center
S community cooperation center
S community cooperation center
S international exchange center
S office of the faculty of engineering
S office of the faculty of science and engineering
S office of the faculty of foreign studies
S office of the faculty of foreign studies
S office of the faculty of business administration and information
S office of the faculty of business administration
S office of the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
S office of the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
S office of the faculty of law
S office of the faculty of law
S office of the faculty of economics
H junior high school high school
H1 high school
H2 junior high school
H1 subsidy
H1 Japanese language sudsidy
H1 social studies subsidy
H1 mathematics subsidy
H1 science subsidy
H1 English language subsidy
H1 physical education subsidy
H1 information subsidy
H1 assistant principal subsidy
H1 office subsidy
H1 mathematics
H2 subsidy
Hiroshima International University
T 1Hall
T 3Hall
T kure Branch
T Hiroshima Branch
T 1Hall Library
T 3Hall Library
T Kure BranchLibrary
T Hiroshima Branch Library
T 1general affairs section
T 3general affairs section
T Kure general affairs section
T Faculty of Health Sciences
T Common to Health Sciences
T Department of Nursing
T Department of Medical radiation
T Department of clinical engineering
T Department of physical therapy
T Department osynthetic rehabilitation
T Majar in medical treatment before
T Department of Nursing old
T Majar in Nursing old
T Faculty of Health and Welfare
T Common Faculty of Health and Welfare
T Department of Health and Social Services
T Majar in Health and Social Services
T Department of Health Services Management
T Majar in Health Services Management
T Health Sciences MEXT
T Health Sciences MEXT
T Health Sciences JSPS
T Health Sciences JSPS
T medical welfare MEXT
T medical welfare MEXT
T medical welfare JSPS
T medical welfare JSPS
T medical welfare MHLW
T medical welfare MHLW
T Faculty of Clinical Psychological
T Common to Clinical Psychological
T Clinical Psychological
T Department English and Communication
T Majar in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in Clinical Psychology Practice
T Majar in English and Communication
T Department of kansei Information
T Majar in kansei Information
T English and Communication Psychological
T teaching profession classroom
T east
T psychological clinic Center
T Psychological Science MEXT
T Psychological Science MEXT
T Psychological Science JSPS
T Psychological Science JSPS
T Psychological Science JSPS b
T Clinical Psychology Practice MEXT
T Clinical Psychology Practice MEXT
T Clinical Psychology Practice JSPS
T Clinical Psychology Practice JSPS
T faculty of social environment
T social environment architecture
T social environment living and environmental design
T social environment Information
T faculty of science and engineering
T common to science and engineering
T science and engineering architecture
T science and engineering living and environmental design
T science and engineering information
T science and engineering mechanical engineering
T Majar in social environment yosan
T Majar in social environment yosan
T Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
T Faculty of Nursing
T Faculty of Clinical Nutrition
T Faculty of Health Services Management
T Majar of Health Services Management
T Health Services Management MEXT
T Majar in Nursing
T Majar in Midwife services
T Nursing JSPS
T Nursing JSPS s-yosan
T science and engineering MEXT
T science and engineering MEXT
T science and engineering JSPS
T science and engineering JSPS
T science and engineering JSPS b
T science and engineering JSPS b
T Nursing MEXT
T Nursing MEXT
T Nursing JSPS
T Nursing JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences MEXT
T Pharmaceutical Sciences MEXT
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
Hiroshima International University Kure
T Installation expenses
T 1Hall planning section
T 1Hall maintenance department
T 1Hall general affairs section
T 1Hall accounting section
T 3Hall accounting section
T Kure accounting section
T 1Hall educational affairs section
T Higashi Remedial
T Kure Remedial
T 3Hall educational affairs section
T 1Hall student affairs office
T 1Hall entrance examination Center
T 1Hall Information Center
T 1Hall Clinical Psychology Center
T Hiroshima Clinical Psychology Center
T 1Hall educational affairs section
T 3Hall educational affairs section
T Kure student affairs office
T 1Hall division of career services
T Kure division of career services
T 1Hall Nuse's Office
T Hiroshima educational affairs section
T majar of architecture
T majar of Information
T 1Hall MEXT
T 1Hall JSPS
T 1Hall MEXT
T 1Hall JSPS
T 1Hall MHLW
T 1Hall MHLW
T 3Hall MEXT
T 3Hall JSPS
T 3Hall MEXT
T 3Hall JSPS
T 3Hall MHLW
T 3Hall MHLW
T Major in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in Clinical Psychology Practice
T Major in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in medical treatment after
T Common to Nursing
T Faculty of Nursing
J junior and senior high school
J senior high school
J junior high school
Call No:
*Country code:
*Language code:
*Material format:
cassette tapes
record disks
micro films
roll films
16mm films
8mm films
slide films
video tapes
laser disks
blu-ray disks
floppy disks
3.5 floppy disks
other magnetic recordings
magneto-optical disks
other prints
motion pictures
video 8mm vtr
denshi books
electronic books
electronic journals
osaka institute of technology
osaka institute of technology
K research
K faculty of engineering
K faculty of engineering office
K monozukuri lecture
K experiment fair
K oit C
K oit A
K oit E
K oit M
K oit K
K oit D
K oit B
K oit V
K oit W
K oit L
K oit R
K oit U
K general education
K general applied physics
K general physical geography
K general chemistry
K general humanities
K general language study
K general physics
K general mathematics
K general gymnastics
K general byology
K general physical geography
K general applied physics
K general chemistry
K general byology
K general physics
K general mathematics
K general mathematical principle
K general education office
K Yawata engineering experimentation place
K oit P
K oit P (graduate school)
K oit P (graduate school) subsidy
K oit P language study subsidy
K oit P humanities subsidy
K oit P gymnastics subsidy
K comprehensive humanics
K comprehensive human sociology
K comprehensive language
K comprehensive gymnastics
K oit P(graduate school)
K audio-visual
K educational affairs section
K teacher training
K liaison center
K research support promotion center
K engineering works material
K office
K accounting section
K accounting section indirect cost
K accounting section science instruction subsidy
K accounting section science instruction subsidy
K commission 2005
K commission 2025
K commission 2021
K commission 2029
K commission 1005
K joint research 2082
K sponsored research 1002
K commission 1004
K scientific research 5009
K scientific research 5006
K scientific research 5012
K scientific research 5007
K scientific research 5042
K scientific research 5053
K scientific research 5062
K scientific research 5069
K scientific research 5048
K scientific research 5067
K scientific research 2003
K scientific research 2303
K scientific research 5072
K scientific research 5071
K scientific research 2007
K scientific research 2709
K scientific research 2716
K scientific research 2013
K scientific research 5070
K scientific research 2305
K scientific research 2005
K scientific research 5045
K scientific research 2612
K scientific research 5013
K scientific research 5044
K scientific research 2002
K scientific research 2018
K scientific research 2401
K scientific research 2014
K scientific research 2028
K scientific research 4007
K scientific research 2040
K scientific research 2038
K scientific research 2307
K scientific research 2742
K scientific research 2048
K scientific research 2308
K scientific research 2042
K scientific research 2301
K scientific research 2310
K encouragement research 4216
K scholarship donation 3018
K scholarship donation 3017
K scholarship donation 3037
K scholarship donation 3046
K scholarship donation 3008
K scholarship donation 1003
K scholarship donation 3058
K scholarship donation 1002
K scholarship donation 1004
K scholarship donation 1005
K scholarship donation 1006
K scholarship donation 1007
K scholarship donation 1008
K scholarship donation 3095
K encouragement research 4215
K encouragement research 4202
K encouragement research 4207
K encouragement research 4248
K encouragement research 1023
K encouragement research 1026
K encouragement research 1025
K encouragement research 1027
K encouragement research 1028
K encouragement research 1029
K sponsored research 2034
K joint research 2065
K sponsored research 2077
K sponsored research 2081
K sponsored research 1003
K sponsored research 5101
K specialist graduate school
K indirect cost 5080
K specialist graduate school
K oit P GP
K oit P (graduate school) encouragement research 1
K oit P (graduate school) encouragement research 2
K oit P (graduate school) JICA
K oit P (graduate school) academic research environment
K oit P (graduate school) teacher commendation
K oit P teacher commendation
K oit P subsidy
K faculty of engineering office
K oit C subsidy
K oit V subsidy
K oit W subsidy
K oit A subsidy
K oit B subsidy
K oit M subsidy
K oit L subsidy
K oit E subsidy
K oit D subsidy
K oit K subsidy
K oit G subsidy
K oit U subsidy
K oit R subsidy
K subsidy accounting section subsidy
K faculty of engineering research environment
K faculty of engineering research environment
K president discretionary budget
K president discretionary budget
K division of career services
K teacher training subsidy
K school infirmary
K machining operation
K faculty of information science and technology
K oit IC
K oit IS
K accounting section
K scientific research 5059
K scientific research 2205
K scholarship donation 8001
K scholarship donation 8009
K scholarship donation 8010
K scholarship donation 8012
K oit IM
K commission 7010
K commission O-JST
K academic research environment maintenance
K oit IN
K encouragement research 4243
K encouragement research 4244
K research project 9002
K library
K library omiya
K oit V reorganization
K oit W reorganization
K oit L reorganization
K oit U reorganization
K oit R reorganization
K library hirakata
K library umeda
K oit W
K oit R
K oit S
K hiroshima international university
K administration office
K educational research
K management cost
setsunan university
S research
S faculty of science and engineering
S civil and environmental engineering
S civil and environmental engineering
S living and environmental design
S architecture
S architecture
S life science
S electrical and electronic engineering
S electrical and electronic engineering
S mechanical engineering
S mechanical engineering
S engineering and management
S engineering and management
S mathematics and physics
S fundamental science and engineering
S machining operation
S techno center
S health and physical education
S common to science and engineering
S common to science and engineering
S all foreign studies
S foreign studies
S foreign studies
S teacher training
S teacher training
S learning support center
S business administration and information
S business administration
S law
S law
S pharmaceutical sciences
S medicinal pharmacology
S pharmacology
S microbiology
S biochemistry
S disease prevention science
S public health
S pharmaceutics
S clinical pharmaceutics
S clinical analytical chemistry
S pharmacognosy
S natural drug structural chemistry
S pharmaceutical chemistry
S pharmaceutical technochemistry
S pharmacotherapeutics
S chemical properties of chemicals
S pathological medical science
S pathology
S clinical pharmacy
S data processing
S shared use equipment
S practice・exercise
S joint use management
S managing animal rooms
S ri
S cryogenic room
S thermostatic chamber
S lan
S biomolecular analysis sience
S cell biology
S library committee
S common
S pharmacy education
S medical phermacy
S clinical Phermacy
S plant
S plactical medicin research
S pharmaceutical education center
S life fusion chemistory
S functional morphology
S integrated pharmacy
S sports promotion
S sports promotion
S faculty of economics
S library
S library neyagawa
S library hirakata
S planning section
S planning section
S general affairs section
S general affairs section
S accounting section
S accounting section
S educational affairs section
S educational affairs section
S student affairs office
S student affairs office
S school infirmary
S division of admission
S division of admission
S division of career services
S division of career services
S media center
S media center
S research support center
S community cooperation center
S community cooperation center
S international exchange center
S office of the faculty of engineering
S office of the faculty of science and engineering
S office of the faculty of foreign studies
S office of the faculty of foreign studies
S office of the faculty of business administration and information
S office of the faculty of business administration
S office of the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
S office of the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
S office of the faculty of law
S office of the faculty of law
S office of the faculty of economics
H junior high school high school
H1 high school
H2 junior high school
H1 subsidy
H1 Japanese language sudsidy
H1 social studies subsidy
H1 mathematics subsidy
H1 science subsidy
H1 English language subsidy
H1 physical education subsidy
H1 information subsidy
H1 assistant principal subsidy
H1 office subsidy
H1 mathematics
H2 subsidy
Hiroshima International University
T 1Hall
T 3Hall
T kure Branch
T Hiroshima Branch
T 1Hall Library
T 3Hall Library
T Kure BranchLibrary
T Hiroshima Branch Library
T 1general affairs section
T 3general affairs section
T Kure general affairs section
T Faculty of Health Sciences
T Common to Health Sciences
T Department of Nursing
T Department of Medical radiation
T Department of clinical engineering
T Department of physical therapy
T Department osynthetic rehabilitation
T Majar in medical treatment before
T Department of Nursing old
T Majar in Nursing old
T Faculty of Health and Welfare
T Common Faculty of Health and Welfare
T Department of Health and Social Services
T Majar in Health and Social Services
T Department of Health Services Management
T Majar in Health Services Management
T Health Sciences MEXT
T Health Sciences MEXT
T Health Sciences JSPS
T Health Sciences JSPS
T medical welfare MEXT
T medical welfare MEXT
T medical welfare JSPS
T medical welfare JSPS
T medical welfare MHLW
T medical welfare MHLW
T Faculty of Clinical Psychological
T Common to Clinical Psychological
T Clinical Psychological
T Department English and Communication
T Majar in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in Clinical Psychology Practice
T Majar in English and Communication
T Department of kansei Information
T Majar in kansei Information
T English and Communication Psychological
T teaching profession classroom
T east
T psychological clinic Center
T Psychological Science MEXT
T Psychological Science MEXT
T Psychological Science JSPS
T Psychological Science JSPS
T Psychological Science JSPS b
T Clinical Psychology Practice MEXT
T Clinical Psychology Practice MEXT
T Clinical Psychology Practice JSPS
T Clinical Psychology Practice JSPS
T faculty of social environment
T social environment architecture
T social environment living and environmental design
T social environment Information
T faculty of science and engineering
T common to science and engineering
T science and engineering architecture
T science and engineering living and environmental design
T science and engineering information
T science and engineering mechanical engineering
T Majar in social environment yosan
T Majar in social environment yosan
T Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
T Faculty of Nursing
T Faculty of Clinical Nutrition
T Faculty of Health Services Management
T Majar of Health Services Management
T Health Services Management MEXT
T Majar in Nursing
T Majar in Midwife services
T Nursing JSPS
T Nursing JSPS s-yosan
T science and engineering MEXT
T science and engineering MEXT
T science and engineering JSPS
T science and engineering JSPS
T science and engineering JSPS b
T science and engineering JSPS b
T Nursing MEXT
T Nursing MEXT
T Nursing JSPS
T Nursing JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences MEXT
T Pharmaceutical Sciences MEXT
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
Hiroshima International University Kure
T Installation expenses
T 1Hall planning section
T 1Hall maintenance department
T 1Hall general affairs section
T 1Hall accounting section
T 3Hall accounting section
T Kure accounting section
T 1Hall educational affairs section
T Higashi Remedial
T Kure Remedial
T 3Hall educational affairs section
T 1Hall student affairs office
T 1Hall entrance examination Center
T 1Hall Information Center
T 1Hall Clinical Psychology Center
T Hiroshima Clinical Psychology Center
T 1Hall educational affairs section
T 3Hall educational affairs section
T Kure student affairs office
T 1Hall division of career services
T Kure division of career services
T 1Hall Nuse's Office
T Hiroshima educational affairs section
T majar of architecture
T majar of Information
T 1Hall MEXT
T 1Hall JSPS
T 1Hall MEXT
T 1Hall JSPS
T 1Hall MHLW
T 1Hall MHLW
T 3Hall MEXT
T 3Hall JSPS
T 3Hall MEXT
T 3Hall JSPS
T 3Hall MHLW
T 3Hall MHLW
T Major in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in Clinical Psychology Practice
T Major in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in medical treatment after
T Common to Nursing
T Faculty of Nursing
J junior and senior high school
J senior high school
J junior high school
Sort by:
List count:
10 Items
20 Items
50 Items
100 Items
List count:
10 Items
20 Items
50 Items
100 Items
●Holding library
OITL:Osaka Institute of Technology Library
OITUBL:Osaka Institute of Technology Umeda Branch Library
OITHBL:Osaka Institute of Technology Hirakata Branch Library
SUL:Setsunan University Library
SUHBL:Setsunan University Hirakata Branch Library
HIU1H:Hiroshima International University 1Hall
HIU3H:Hiroshima International University 3Hall
HIUKB:Hiroshima International University Kure Branch
JSHS:Josho Gakuen Junior High School・High School Library
JKHS:Josho Keiko Gakuen Junior and Senior High School Library
contains review and tag
contains review and tag
*Material type:
Thesis or Dissertation
Bibliography in the Library:
search bibliography in the Library
Authors name
Authors name
Authors name
Authors name
*Publication year:
*Country code:
*Language code:
Bibliography ID:
Registration number:
*Material format:
cassette tapes
record disks
micro films
roll films
16mm films
8mm films
slide films
video tapes
laser disks
blu-ray disks
floppy disks
3.5 floppy disks
other magnetic recordings
magneto-optical disks
other prints
motion pictures
video 8mm vtr
denshi books
electronic books
electronic journals
Material ID:
osaka institute of technology
osaka institute of technology
K research
K faculty of engineering
K faculty of engineering office
K monozukuri lecture
K experiment fair
K oit C
K oit A
K oit E
K oit M
K oit K
K oit D
K oit B
K oit V
K oit W
K oit L
K oit R
K oit U
K general education
K general applied physics
K general physical geography
K general chemistry
K general humanities
K general language study
K general physics
K general mathematics
K general gymnastics
K general byology
K general physical geography
K general applied physics
K general chemistry
K general byology
K general physics
K general mathematics
K general mathematical principle
K general education office
K Yawata engineering experimentation place
K oit P
K oit P (graduate school)
K oit P (graduate school) subsidy
K oit P language study subsidy
K oit P humanities subsidy
K oit P gymnastics subsidy
K comprehensive humanics
K comprehensive human sociology
K comprehensive language
K comprehensive gymnastics
K oit P(graduate school)
K audio-visual
K educational affairs section
K teacher training
K liaison center
K research support promotion center
K engineering works material
K office
K accounting section
K accounting section indirect cost
K accounting section science instruction subsidy
K accounting section science instruction subsidy
K commission 2005
K commission 2025
K commission 2021
K commission 2029
K commission 1005
K joint research 2082
K sponsored research 1002
K commission 1004
K scientific research 5009
K scientific research 5006
K scientific research 5012
K scientific research 5007
K scientific research 5042
K scientific research 5053
K scientific research 5062
K scientific research 5069
K scientific research 5048
K scientific research 5067
K scientific research 2003
K scientific research 2303
K scientific research 5072
K scientific research 5071
K scientific research 2007
K scientific research 2709
K scientific research 2716
K scientific research 2013
K scientific research 5070
K scientific research 2305
K scientific research 2005
K scientific research 5045
K scientific research 2612
K scientific research 5013
K scientific research 5044
K scientific research 2002
K scientific research 2018
K scientific research 2401
K scientific research 2014
K scientific research 2028
K scientific research 4007
K scientific research 2040
K scientific research 2038
K scientific research 2307
K scientific research 2742
K scientific research 2048
K scientific research 2308
K scientific research 2042
K scientific research 2301
K scientific research 2310
K encouragement research 4216
K scholarship donation 3018
K scholarship donation 3017
K scholarship donation 3037
K scholarship donation 3046
K scholarship donation 3008
K scholarship donation 1003
K scholarship donation 3058
K scholarship donation 1002
K scholarship donation 1004
K scholarship donation 1005
K scholarship donation 1006
K scholarship donation 1007
K scholarship donation 1008
K scholarship donation 3095
K encouragement research 4215
K encouragement research 4202
K encouragement research 4207
K encouragement research 4248
K encouragement research 1023
K encouragement research 1026
K encouragement research 1025
K encouragement research 1027
K encouragement research 1028
K encouragement research 1029
K sponsored research 2034
K joint research 2065
K sponsored research 2077
K sponsored research 2081
K sponsored research 1003
K sponsored research 5101
K specialist graduate school
K indirect cost 5080
K specialist graduate school
K oit P GP
K oit P (graduate school) encouragement research 1
K oit P (graduate school) encouragement research 2
K oit P (graduate school) JICA
K oit P (graduate school) academic research environment
K oit P (graduate school) teacher commendation
K oit P teacher commendation
K oit P subsidy
K faculty of engineering office
K oit C subsidy
K oit V subsidy
K oit W subsidy
K oit A subsidy
K oit B subsidy
K oit M subsidy
K oit L subsidy
K oit E subsidy
K oit D subsidy
K oit K subsidy
K oit G subsidy
K oit U subsidy
K oit R subsidy
K subsidy accounting section subsidy
K faculty of engineering research environment
K faculty of engineering research environment
K president discretionary budget
K president discretionary budget
K division of career services
K teacher training subsidy
K school infirmary
K machining operation
K faculty of information science and technology
K oit IC
K oit IS
K accounting section
K scientific research 5059
K scientific research 2205
K scholarship donation 8001
K scholarship donation 8009
K scholarship donation 8010
K scholarship donation 8012
K oit IM
K commission 7010
K commission O-JST
K academic research environment maintenance
K oit IN
K encouragement research 4243
K encouragement research 4244
K research project 9002
K library
K library omiya
K oit V reorganization
K oit W reorganization
K oit L reorganization
K oit U reorganization
K oit R reorganization
K library hirakata
K library umeda
K oit W
K oit R
K oit S
K hiroshima international university
K administration office
K educational research
K management cost
setsunan university
S research
S faculty of science and engineering
S civil and environmental engineering
S civil and environmental engineering
S living and environmental design
S architecture
S architecture
S life science
S electrical and electronic engineering
S electrical and electronic engineering
S mechanical engineering
S mechanical engineering
S engineering and management
S engineering and management
S mathematics and physics
S fundamental science and engineering
S machining operation
S techno center
S health and physical education
S common to science and engineering
S common to science and engineering
S all foreign studies
S foreign studies
S foreign studies
S teacher training
S teacher training
S learning support center
S business administration and information
S business administration
S law
S law
S pharmaceutical sciences
S medicinal pharmacology
S pharmacology
S microbiology
S biochemistry
S disease prevention science
S public health
S pharmaceutics
S clinical pharmaceutics
S clinical analytical chemistry
S pharmacognosy
S natural drug structural chemistry
S pharmaceutical chemistry
S pharmaceutical technochemistry
S pharmacotherapeutics
S chemical properties of chemicals
S pathological medical science
S pathology
S clinical pharmacy
S data processing
S shared use equipment
S practice・exercise
S joint use management
S managing animal rooms
S ri
S cryogenic room
S thermostatic chamber
S lan
S biomolecular analysis sience
S cell biology
S library committee
S common
S pharmacy education
S medical phermacy
S clinical Phermacy
S plant
S plactical medicin research
S pharmaceutical education center
S life fusion chemistory
S functional morphology
S integrated pharmacy
S sports promotion
S sports promotion
S faculty of economics
S library
S library neyagawa
S library hirakata
S planning section
S planning section
S general affairs section
S general affairs section
S accounting section
S accounting section
S educational affairs section
S educational affairs section
S student affairs office
S student affairs office
S school infirmary
S division of admission
S division of admission
S division of career services
S division of career services
S media center
S media center
S research support center
S community cooperation center
S community cooperation center
S international exchange center
S office of the faculty of engineering
S office of the faculty of science and engineering
S office of the faculty of foreign studies
S office of the faculty of foreign studies
S office of the faculty of business administration and information
S office of the faculty of business administration
S office of the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
S office of the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
S office of the faculty of law
S office of the faculty of law
S office of the faculty of economics
H junior high school high school
H1 high school
H2 junior high school
H1 subsidy
H1 Japanese language sudsidy
H1 social studies subsidy
H1 mathematics subsidy
H1 science subsidy
H1 English language subsidy
H1 physical education subsidy
H1 information subsidy
H1 assistant principal subsidy
H1 office subsidy
H1 mathematics
H2 subsidy
Hiroshima International University
T 1Hall
T 3Hall
T kure Branch
T Hiroshima Branch
T 1Hall Library
T 3Hall Library
T Kure BranchLibrary
T Hiroshima Branch Library
T 1general affairs section
T 3general affairs section
T Kure general affairs section
T Faculty of Health Sciences
T Common to Health Sciences
T Department of Nursing
T Department of Medical radiation
T Department of clinical engineering
T Department of physical therapy
T Department osynthetic rehabilitation
T Majar in medical treatment before
T Department of Nursing old
T Majar in Nursing old
T Faculty of Health and Welfare
T Common Faculty of Health and Welfare
T Department of Health and Social Services
T Majar in Health and Social Services
T Department of Health Services Management
T Majar in Health Services Management
T Health Sciences MEXT
T Health Sciences MEXT
T Health Sciences JSPS
T Health Sciences JSPS
T medical welfare MEXT
T medical welfare MEXT
T medical welfare JSPS
T medical welfare JSPS
T medical welfare MHLW
T medical welfare MHLW
T Faculty of Clinical Psychological
T Common to Clinical Psychological
T Clinical Psychological
T Department English and Communication
T Majar in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in Clinical Psychology Practice
T Majar in English and Communication
T Department of kansei Information
T Majar in kansei Information
T English and Communication Psychological
T teaching profession classroom
T east
T psychological clinic Center
T Psychological Science MEXT
T Psychological Science MEXT
T Psychological Science JSPS
T Psychological Science JSPS
T Psychological Science JSPS b
T Clinical Psychology Practice MEXT
T Clinical Psychology Practice MEXT
T Clinical Psychology Practice JSPS
T Clinical Psychology Practice JSPS
T faculty of social environment
T social environment architecture
T social environment living and environmental design
T social environment Information
T faculty of science and engineering
T common to science and engineering
T science and engineering architecture
T science and engineering living and environmental design
T science and engineering information
T science and engineering mechanical engineering
T Majar in social environment yosan
T Majar in social environment yosan
T Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
T Faculty of Nursing
T Faculty of Clinical Nutrition
T Faculty of Health Services Management
T Majar of Health Services Management
T Health Services Management MEXT
T Majar in Nursing
T Majar in Midwife services
T Nursing JSPS
T Nursing JSPS s-yosan
T science and engineering MEXT
T science and engineering MEXT
T science and engineering JSPS
T science and engineering JSPS
T science and engineering JSPS b
T science and engineering JSPS b
T Nursing MEXT
T Nursing MEXT
T Nursing JSPS
T Nursing JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences MEXT
T Pharmaceutical Sciences MEXT
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
Hiroshima International University Kure
T Installation expenses
T 1Hall planning section
T 1Hall maintenance department
T 1Hall general affairs section
T 1Hall accounting section
T 3Hall accounting section
T Kure accounting section
T 1Hall educational affairs section
T Higashi Remedial
T Kure Remedial
T 3Hall educational affairs section
T 1Hall student affairs office
T 1Hall entrance examination Center
T 1Hall Information Center
T 1Hall Clinical Psychology Center
T Hiroshima Clinical Psychology Center
T 1Hall educational affairs section
T 3Hall educational affairs section
T Kure student affairs office
T 1Hall division of career services
T Kure division of career services
T 1Hall Nuse's Office
T Hiroshima educational affairs section
T majar of architecture
T majar of Information
T 1Hall MEXT
T 1Hall JSPS
T 1Hall MEXT
T 1Hall JSPS
T 1Hall MHLW
T 1Hall MHLW
T 3Hall MEXT
T 3Hall JSPS
T 3Hall MEXT
T 3Hall JSPS
T 3Hall MHLW
T 3Hall MHLW
T Major in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in Clinical Psychology Practice
T Major in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in medical treatment after
T Common to Nursing
T Faculty of Nursing
J junior and senior high school
J senior high school
J junior high school
Call No:
*Country code:
*Language code:
*Material format:
cassette tapes
record disks
micro films
roll films
16mm films
8mm films
slide films
video tapes
laser disks
blu-ray disks
floppy disks
3.5 floppy disks
other magnetic recordings
magneto-optical disks
other prints
motion pictures
video 8mm vtr
denshi books
electronic books
electronic journals
osaka institute of technology
osaka institute of technology
K research
K faculty of engineering
K faculty of engineering office
K monozukuri lecture
K experiment fair
K oit C
K oit A
K oit E
K oit M
K oit K
K oit D
K oit B
K oit V
K oit W
K oit L
K oit R
K oit U
K general education
K general applied physics
K general physical geography
K general chemistry
K general humanities
K general language study
K general physics
K general mathematics
K general gymnastics
K general byology
K general physical geography
K general applied physics
K general chemistry
K general byology
K general physics
K general mathematics
K general mathematical principle
K general education office
K Yawata engineering experimentation place
K oit P
K oit P (graduate school)
K oit P (graduate school) subsidy
K oit P language study subsidy
K oit P humanities subsidy
K oit P gymnastics subsidy
K comprehensive humanics
K comprehensive human sociology
K comprehensive language
K comprehensive gymnastics
K oit P(graduate school)
K audio-visual
K educational affairs section
K teacher training
K liaison center
K research support promotion center
K engineering works material
K office
K accounting section
K accounting section indirect cost
K accounting section science instruction subsidy
K accounting section science instruction subsidy
K commission 2005
K commission 2025
K commission 2021
K commission 2029
K commission 1005
K joint research 2082
K sponsored research 1002
K commission 1004
K scientific research 5009
K scientific research 5006
K scientific research 5012
K scientific research 5007
K scientific research 5042
K scientific research 5053
K scientific research 5062
K scientific research 5069
K scientific research 5048
K scientific research 5067
K scientific research 2003
K scientific research 2303
K scientific research 5072
K scientific research 5071
K scientific research 2007
K scientific research 2709
K scientific research 2716
K scientific research 2013
K scientific research 5070
K scientific research 2305
K scientific research 2005
K scientific research 5045
K scientific research 2612
K scientific research 5013
K scientific research 5044
K scientific research 2002
K scientific research 2018
K scientific research 2401
K scientific research 2014
K scientific research 2028
K scientific research 4007
K scientific research 2040
K scientific research 2038
K scientific research 2307
K scientific research 2742
K scientific research 2048
K scientific research 2308
K scientific research 2042
K scientific research 2301
K scientific research 2310
K encouragement research 4216
K scholarship donation 3018
K scholarship donation 3017
K scholarship donation 3037
K scholarship donation 3046
K scholarship donation 3008
K scholarship donation 1003
K scholarship donation 3058
K scholarship donation 1002
K scholarship donation 1004
K scholarship donation 1005
K scholarship donation 1006
K scholarship donation 1007
K scholarship donation 1008
K scholarship donation 3095
K encouragement research 4215
K encouragement research 4202
K encouragement research 4207
K encouragement research 4248
K encouragement research 1023
K encouragement research 1026
K encouragement research 1025
K encouragement research 1027
K encouragement research 1028
K encouragement research 1029
K sponsored research 2034
K joint research 2065
K sponsored research 2077
K sponsored research 2081
K sponsored research 1003
K sponsored research 5101
K specialist graduate school
K indirect cost 5080
K specialist graduate school
K oit P GP
K oit P (graduate school) encouragement research 1
K oit P (graduate school) encouragement research 2
K oit P (graduate school) JICA
K oit P (graduate school) academic research environment
K oit P (graduate school) teacher commendation
K oit P teacher commendation
K oit P subsidy
K faculty of engineering office
K oit C subsidy
K oit V subsidy
K oit W subsidy
K oit A subsidy
K oit B subsidy
K oit M subsidy
K oit L subsidy
K oit E subsidy
K oit D subsidy
K oit K subsidy
K oit G subsidy
K oit U subsidy
K oit R subsidy
K subsidy accounting section subsidy
K faculty of engineering research environment
K faculty of engineering research environment
K president discretionary budget
K president discretionary budget
K division of career services
K teacher training subsidy
K school infirmary
K machining operation
K faculty of information science and technology
K oit IC
K oit IS
K accounting section
K scientific research 5059
K scientific research 2205
K scholarship donation 8001
K scholarship donation 8009
K scholarship donation 8010
K scholarship donation 8012
K oit IM
K commission 7010
K commission O-JST
K academic research environment maintenance
K oit IN
K encouragement research 4243
K encouragement research 4244
K research project 9002
K library
K library omiya
K oit V reorganization
K oit W reorganization
K oit L reorganization
K oit U reorganization
K oit R reorganization
K library hirakata
K library umeda
K oit W
K oit R
K oit S
K hiroshima international university
K administration office
K educational research
K management cost
setsunan university
S research
S faculty of science and engineering
S civil and environmental engineering
S civil and environmental engineering
S living and environmental design
S architecture
S architecture
S life science
S electrical and electronic engineering
S electrical and electronic engineering
S mechanical engineering
S mechanical engineering
S engineering and management
S engineering and management
S mathematics and physics
S fundamental science and engineering
S machining operation
S techno center
S health and physical education
S common to science and engineering
S common to science and engineering
S all foreign studies
S foreign studies
S foreign studies
S teacher training
S teacher training
S learning support center
S business administration and information
S business administration
S law
S law
S pharmaceutical sciences
S medicinal pharmacology
S pharmacology
S microbiology
S biochemistry
S disease prevention science
S public health
S pharmaceutics
S clinical pharmaceutics
S clinical analytical chemistry
S pharmacognosy
S natural drug structural chemistry
S pharmaceutical chemistry
S pharmaceutical technochemistry
S pharmacotherapeutics
S chemical properties of chemicals
S pathological medical science
S pathology
S clinical pharmacy
S data processing
S shared use equipment
S practice・exercise
S joint use management
S managing animal rooms
S ri
S cryogenic room
S thermostatic chamber
S lan
S biomolecular analysis sience
S cell biology
S library committee
S common
S pharmacy education
S medical phermacy
S clinical Phermacy
S plant
S plactical medicin research
S pharmaceutical education center
S life fusion chemistory
S functional morphology
S integrated pharmacy
S sports promotion
S sports promotion
S faculty of economics
S library
S library neyagawa
S library hirakata
S planning section
S planning section
S general affairs section
S general affairs section
S accounting section
S accounting section
S educational affairs section
S educational affairs section
S student affairs office
S student affairs office
S school infirmary
S division of admission
S division of admission
S division of career services
S division of career services
S media center
S media center
S research support center
S community cooperation center
S community cooperation center
S international exchange center
S office of the faculty of engineering
S office of the faculty of science and engineering
S office of the faculty of foreign studies
S office of the faculty of foreign studies
S office of the faculty of business administration and information
S office of the faculty of business administration
S office of the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
S office of the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
S office of the faculty of law
S office of the faculty of law
S office of the faculty of economics
H junior high school high school
H1 high school
H2 junior high school
H1 subsidy
H1 Japanese language sudsidy
H1 social studies subsidy
H1 mathematics subsidy
H1 science subsidy
H1 English language subsidy
H1 physical education subsidy
H1 information subsidy
H1 assistant principal subsidy
H1 office subsidy
H1 mathematics
H2 subsidy
Hiroshima International University
T 1Hall
T 3Hall
T kure Branch
T Hiroshima Branch
T 1Hall Library
T 3Hall Library
T Kure BranchLibrary
T Hiroshima Branch Library
T 1general affairs section
T 3general affairs section
T Kure general affairs section
T Faculty of Health Sciences
T Common to Health Sciences
T Department of Nursing
T Department of Medical radiation
T Department of clinical engineering
T Department of physical therapy
T Department osynthetic rehabilitation
T Majar in medical treatment before
T Department of Nursing old
T Majar in Nursing old
T Faculty of Health and Welfare
T Common Faculty of Health and Welfare
T Department of Health and Social Services
T Majar in Health and Social Services
T Department of Health Services Management
T Majar in Health Services Management
T Health Sciences MEXT
T Health Sciences MEXT
T Health Sciences JSPS
T Health Sciences JSPS
T medical welfare MEXT
T medical welfare MEXT
T medical welfare JSPS
T medical welfare JSPS
T medical welfare MHLW
T medical welfare MHLW
T Faculty of Clinical Psychological
T Common to Clinical Psychological
T Clinical Psychological
T Department English and Communication
T Majar in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in Clinical Psychology Practice
T Majar in English and Communication
T Department of kansei Information
T Majar in kansei Information
T English and Communication Psychological
T teaching profession classroom
T east
T psychological clinic Center
T Psychological Science MEXT
T Psychological Science MEXT
T Psychological Science JSPS
T Psychological Science JSPS
T Psychological Science JSPS b
T Clinical Psychology Practice MEXT
T Clinical Psychology Practice MEXT
T Clinical Psychology Practice JSPS
T Clinical Psychology Practice JSPS
T faculty of social environment
T social environment architecture
T social environment living and environmental design
T social environment Information
T faculty of science and engineering
T common to science and engineering
T science and engineering architecture
T science and engineering living and environmental design
T science and engineering information
T science and engineering mechanical engineering
T Majar in social environment yosan
T Majar in social environment yosan
T Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
T Faculty of Nursing
T Faculty of Clinical Nutrition
T Faculty of Health Services Management
T Majar of Health Services Management
T Health Services Management MEXT
T Majar in Nursing
T Majar in Midwife services
T Nursing JSPS
T Nursing JSPS s-yosan
T science and engineering MEXT
T science and engineering MEXT
T science and engineering JSPS
T science and engineering JSPS
T science and engineering JSPS b
T science and engineering JSPS b
T Nursing MEXT
T Nursing MEXT
T Nursing JSPS
T Nursing JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences MEXT
T Pharmaceutical Sciences MEXT
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
Hiroshima International University Kure
T Installation expenses
T 1Hall planning section
T 1Hall maintenance department
T 1Hall general affairs section
T 1Hall accounting section
T 3Hall accounting section
T Kure accounting section
T 1Hall educational affairs section
T Higashi Remedial
T Kure Remedial
T 3Hall educational affairs section
T 1Hall student affairs office
T 1Hall entrance examination Center
T 1Hall Information Center
T 1Hall Clinical Psychology Center
T Hiroshima Clinical Psychology Center
T 1Hall educational affairs section
T 3Hall educational affairs section
T Kure student affairs office
T 1Hall division of career services
T Kure division of career services
T 1Hall Nuse's Office
T Hiroshima educational affairs section
T majar of architecture
T majar of Information
T 1Hall MEXT
T 1Hall JSPS
T 1Hall MEXT
T 1Hall JSPS
T 1Hall MHLW
T 1Hall MHLW
T 3Hall MEXT
T 3Hall JSPS
T 3Hall MEXT
T 3Hall JSPS
T 3Hall MHLW
T 3Hall MHLW
T Major in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in Clinical Psychology Practice
T Major in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in medical treatment after
T Common to Nursing
T Faculty of Nursing
J junior and senior high school
J senior high school
J junior high school
Sort by:
List count:
10 Items
20 Items
50 Items
100 Items
List count:
10 Items
20 Items
50 Items
100 Items
●Holding library
OITL:Osaka Institute of Technology Library
OITUBL:Osaka Institute of Technology Umeda Branch Library
OITHBL:Osaka Institute of Technology Hirakata Branch Library
SUL:Setsunan University Library
SUHBL:Setsunan University Hirakata Branch Library
HIU1H:Hiroshima International University 1Hall
HIU3H:Hiroshima International University 3Hall
HIUKB:Hiroshima International University Kure Branch
JSHS:Josho Gakuen Junior High School・High School Library
JKHS:Josho Keiko Gakuen Junior and Senior High School Library
contains review and tag
contains review and tag
*Material type:
Thesis or Dissertation
Osaka Institute of Technology University
Setsunan University
Hiroshima International University
Junior and Senior High School
Please select the holding lib.
HH under arrangement(JSHS)
HH research books(JSHS)
HH office(JSHS)
HH library(JSHS)
HH new arrivals(JSHS)
HH official approval(JSHS)
HH study books(JSHS)
HH stacks(JSHS)
HH object withdrawals(JSHS)
HH withdrawals(JSHS)
HH missing books(JSHS)
KK under arrangement(OITL)
KK general books(OITL)
KK second bookroom(OITL)
KK journals in the stack room(OITL)
KK reference books(OITL)
KK research books(OITL)
KK books for business use(OITL)
KK commemorative books(OITL)
KK special documents(OITL)
KK office(OITL)
KK repairing(OITL)
KK large-size books(OITL)
KK new media(OITL)
KK new books(OITL)
KK special research books(OITL)
KK studying abroad(OITL)
KK high-profile new books(OITL)
KK Presenting in English(OITL)
KK Students' entrepreneurship(OITL)
KK Extensive-reading corner(OITL)
KK AV room(OITL)
KK PBL corner(OITL)
KK main counter(OITL)
KK large-size books (architecture 1)(OITL)
KK large-size books (architecture 2)(OITL)
KK maps(OITL)
KK travel guide(OITL)
KK certification examination(OITL)
KK second deposit stacks(OITL)
KK second deposit stacks AV(OITL)
KK syllabus(OITL)
KK white papers(OITL)
KK newspapers(reduced edition)(OITL)
KK large-size books (geography and history)(OITL)
KK large-size books (art)(OITL)
KK teachers' work(OITL)
KK recommended books(OITL)
KK feature corner(OITL)
KK Osaka-kentei(OITL)
KK BookRevue(OITL)
KK Selected books by user(OITL)
KK Bibliobattle(OITL)
KK Job hunting activities(OITL)
KK Language-study corner(OITL)
KK feature corner 1(OITL)
KK feature corner 2(OITL)
KK feature corner 3(OITL)
KK feature corner 4(OITL)
KK feature corner 5(OITL)
KK Personal computer(OITL)
KK paper back(OITL)
KK designated books(OITL)
KK paperback pocket edition A(OITL)
KK paperback pocket edition B(OITL)
KK stack room(OITL)
KK journals in the stack room(OITL)
KK business-use books in the stack room(OITL)
KK special books in the stack room(OITL)
KK Ultra large-size books in the stock room(OITL)
KK large-size books in the stack room(OITL)
KK maps in the stack room(OITL)
KK teachers' work in the stack room(OITL)
KK paperback ・ paperback pocket edition in the stack room(OITL)
KK temporarily arranged books(OITL)
KK temporarily stacked books(OITL)
KK temporarily-stacked books 2(OITL)
KK Hirakata stack room(OITL)
KK Intellectual Property literature stack room(OITL)
KK Intellectual Property patent office(OITL)
KK scientific research fund(OITL)
KK osaka center(OITL)
KK Umekita N(OITL)
KK design and architecture graduate student room(OITL)
KK Horiguchi collection(OITL)
KK Kawaguchi collection(OITL)
KK Tamaki collection(OITL)
KK graduate students' work(OITL)
KK Nakagawa Teruhisa collection(OITL)
KK LL room(OITL)
KK Hirakata general books(OITL)
KK Hirakata AV corner(OITL)
KK Hirakata reference books(OITL)
KK Hirakata research books(OITL)
KK Hirakata counter(OITL)
KK Hirakata recommended books(OITL)
KK Hirakata syllabus(OITL)
KK journals(OITL)
KK magazines(3rd floor)(OITL)
KK journals for teachers(OITL)
KK electronic journals(OITL)
KK electronic books(OITL)
KK storage conversion(OITL)
KK books (removal from registration)(OITL)
KK books (removal from registration) 2(OITL)
KK removal from register(OITL)
KK missing books(OITL)
KK Umeda general books(OITL)
KK Umeda AV corner(OITL)
KK Umeda reference books(OITL)
KK Umeda research books(OITL)
KK Umeda counter(OITL)
KK Umeda recommended books(OITL)
KK Umeda large-size books(OITL)
KK Umeda syllabus(OITL)
UU under arrangement(OITUBL)
UU general books(OITUBL)
UU journals(OITUBL)
UU AV corner(OITUBL)
UU reference books(OITUBL)
UU research books(OITUBL)
UU books for business use(OITUBL)
UU counter(OITUBL)
UU teachers' work(OITUBL)
UU recommended books(OITUBL)
UU large-size books(OITUBL)
UU new books(OITUBL)
UU syllabus(OITUBL)
UU selected books(OITUBL)
UU electronic journals(OITUBL)
UU electronic books(OITUBL)
UU storage conversion(OITUBL)
UU books (removal from registration)(OITUBL)
UU removal from register(OITUBL)
UU missing books(OITUBL)
SS under arrangement(SUL)
SS B1F storage journals(SUL)
SS research books(SUL)
SS books for business use(SUL)
SS office(SUL)
SS head librarian's office(SUL)
SS scientific research books(SUL)
SS 2F oversize books(SUL)
SS new media(SUL)
SS 1F job2(SUL)
SS 3F international exchange(SUL)
SS 1F japanese situation(SUL)
SS 1F theme display(SUL)
SS 1F multi media(SUL)
SS 2F general books(SUL)
SS 3F reference books(SUL)
SS 3F reading lounge(SUL)
SS 1F magazines(SUL)
SS 1F travel(SUL)
SS 1F humanior(SUL)
SS 1F general education(SUL)
SS 1F famous comics(SUL)
SS 3F white papers(SUL)
SS 1F best seller(SUL)
SS 1F bunko(SUL)
SS 1F booklet(SUL)
SS 2F teacher recommendation(SUL)
SS 2F assigned books(SUL)
SS 1F shinsho(SUL)
SS 1F audiovisual materials(SUL)
SS 1F information literacy(SUL)
SS 1F newspapers(reduced edition)(SUL)
SS B1F newspapers(reduced edition)(SUL)
SS 1F qualification employment(SUL)
SS business administration and information (master's & doctoral course)(SUL)
SS stacks(SUL)
SS 3F maps(SUL)
SS 3F others(SUL)
SS 3F others2(SUL)
SS B1F journals(SUL)
SS B1F research books under arrangement(SUL)
SS B1F audiovisual materials(SUL)
SS B1F stacks2(SUL)
SS B1F binding preparation(SUL)
SS binding(SUL)
SS B1F oversize books(SUL)
SS 1F storage(SUL)
SS 1F counter(SUL)
SS 3F counter(SUL)
SS 3F scholarly journals(SUL)
SS storage(faculty of law)(SUL)
SS conference(faculty of law)(SUL)
SS No.12 hall(SUL)
SS 2F research introduction(SUL)
SS stacks2 145(SUL)
SS stacks2 146(SUL)
SS stacks2 143(SUL)
SS stacks2 144(SUL)
SS stacks2 163(SUL)
SS stacks2 147(SUL)
SS stacks2 148(SUL)
SS stacks2 149(SUL)
SS stacks2 150(SUL)
SS stacks2 151(SUL)
SS stacks2 153(SUL)
SS stacks2 158(SUL)
SS stacks2 154(SUL)
SS stacks2 155(SUL)
SS stacks2 156(SUL)
SS stacks2 157(SUL)
SS stacks2 162(SUL)
SS stacks2 159(SUL)
SS stacks2 160(SUL)
SS stacks2 161(SUL)
SS stacks2 152(SUL)
SS stacks2 142(SUL)
SS stacks2 114(SUL)
SS stacks2 115(SUL)
SS stacks2 117(SUL)
SS journals for teachers(SUL)
SS 2F introductory books(SUL)
SS introductory books A(SUL)
SS introductory books B(SUL)
SS introductory books C(SUL)
SS introductory books D(SUL)
SS introductory books E(SUL)
SS introductory books F(SUL)
SS introductory books G(SUL)
SS introductory books H(SUL)
SS introductory books I(SUL)
SS introductory books J(SUL)
SS introductory books K(SUL)
SS introductory books L(SUL)
SS introductory books M(SUL)
SS introductory books N(SUL)
SS introductory books N2(SUL)
SS introductory books O(SUL)
SS introductory books P(SUL)
SS 2F syllabus(SUL)
SS 2F gakusai(SUL)
SS 2F company history・memorial magazine(SUL)
SS 2F primary books(SUL)
SS 2F lounge(SUL)
SS B1F shelf167(SUL)
SS 3F bulletin(SUL)
SS stacks journals(SUL)
SS collection1(SUL)
SS 3F teacher-training & FD(SUL)
SS rare books room(SUL)
SS rare books room K01(SUL)
SS 1F life support(SUL)
SS fujita bunko(SUL)
SS 3F office(SUL)
SS 1F picture books(SUL)
SS 3rd reading room(SUL)
SS 1F job2(SUL)
SS 1F library supporter(SUL)
SS 1F toeic(SUL)
SS 1F toefl(SUL)
SS 1F gtec(SUL)
SS 1F language studies other(SUL)
SS electronic resources(SUL)
SS 3F jis(SUL)
SS 1F internship(SUL)
SS 1F international exchange(SUL)
SS B1 collection inspection(SUL)
SS withdrawals(SUL)
SS missing books(SUL)
WW general books(OITHBL)
WW journals(OITHBL)
WW stack room(OITHBL)
WW bookbinding in the stack room(OITHBL)
WW AV corner(OITHBL)
WW office(OITHBL)
WW reference books(OITHBL)
WW research books(OITHBL)
WW books for business use(OITHBL)
WW teacher recommended books(OITHBL)
WW recommended books(OITHBL)
WW large-size books(OITHBL)
WW new books(OITHBL)
WW job placement & certication examination(OITHBL)
WW syllabus(OITHBL)
WW travel guide(OITHBL)
WW teachers' work(OITHBL)
WW graduate work(OITHBL)
WW Umeda recommended books(OITHBL)
WW books (removal from registration)(OITHBL)
WW removal from register(OITHBL)
YY under arrangement(SUHBL)
YY general books(SUHBL)
YY reference books(SUHBL)
YY research books(SUHBL)
YY books for business use(SUHBL)
YY office(SUHBL)
YY counter(SUHBL)
YY humanior(SUHBL)
YY audiovisual materials(SUHBL)
YY foreign books(SUHBL)
YY series(SUHBL)
YY bunko(SUHBL)
YY shinsho(SUHBL)
YY stacks(SUHBL)
YY scholarly journal(SUHBL)
YY scholar(SUHBL)
YY magazines(SUHBL)
YY stacks2(SUHBL)
YY journals for teachers(SUHBL)
YY guidelines introductory books(SUHBL)
YY electronic resources(SUHBL)
YY target of withdrawals(SUHBL)
YY withdrawals(SUHBL)
HI general books(HIU1H)
HI newspapers(HIU1H)
HI bunko(HIU1H)
HI magazines(HIU1H)
HI shinsho(HIU1H)
HI reference books(HIU1H)
HI research books(HIU1H)
HI books for bussines(HIU1H)
HI one's own(HIU1H)
HI liblary office books(HIU1H)
HI Laws and regulations manual recommendation(HIU1H)
HI bound journal(HIU1H)
HI new(HIU1H)
HI best seller(HIU1H)
HI civil service examination(HIU1H)
HI Audio Visual(HIU1H)
HI job(HIU1H)
HI syllabus(HIU1H)
HI state examination(HIU1H)
HI withdrawals(HIU1H)
HI stacks(HIU1H)
HI bulletin(HIU1H)
H3 general books(HIU3H)
H3 newspapers(HIU3H)
H3 bunko(HIU3H)
H3 magazines(HIU3H)
H3 shinsho(HIU3H)
H3 reference books(HIU3H)
H3 research books(HIU3H)
H3 books for bussines(HIU3H)
H3 one's own(HIU3H)
H3 liblary office books(HIU3H)
H3 Laws and regulations manual recommendation(HIU3H)
H3 bound journal(HIU3H)
H3 new(HIU3H)
H3 best seller(HIU3H)
H3 civil service examination(HIU3H)
H3 Audio Visual(HIU3H)
H3 job(HIU3H)
H3 syllabus(HIU3H)
H3 state examination(HIU3H)
H3 stacks(HIU3H)
H3 bulletin(HIU3H)
H3 withdrawals(HIU3H)
HK general books(HIUKB)
HK newspapers(HIUKB)
HK bunko(HIUKB)
HK 1F magazines(HIUKB)
HK shinsho(HIUKB)
HK reference books(HIUKB)
HK research books(HIUKB)
HK books for bussines(HIUKB)
HK Donated(HIUKB)
HK one's own(HIUKB)
HK liblary office books(HIUKB)
HK Laws and regulations manual recommendation(HIUKB)
HK 2F magazines(HIUKB)
HK bound journal(HIUKB)
HK newspapers(HIUKB)
HK best seller(HIUKB)
HK civil service examination(HIUKB)
HK Audio Visual(HIUKB)
HK 1F qualifying examination(HIUKB)
HK teaching measure(HIUKB)
HK syllabus(HIUKB)
HK 1F state examination(HIUKB)
HK 2F state examination(HIUKB)
HK pocket(HIUKB)
HK 2F stacks(HIUKB)
HK 1F stacks(HIUKB)
HK bulletin(HIUKB)
HK delete(HIUKB)
HK withdrawals(HIUKB)
HT general books(HIUHB)
HT newspaper(HIUHB)
HT bunko(HIUHB)
HT magazines(HIUHB)
HT sinsho(HIUHB)
HT reference books(HIUHB)
HT research books(HIUHB)
HT books for bussines(HIUHB)
HT one's own(HIUHB)
HT liblary office books(HIUHB)
HT Laws and regulations manual recommendation(HIUHB)
HT bound journal(HIUHB)
HT best seller(HIUHB)
HT Audio Visual(HIUHB)
HT sylabus(HIUHB)
HT state examination(HIUHB)
HT withdrawals(HIUHB)
HT stacks(HIUHB)
HT bulletin(HIUHB)
JK reference library(JKHS)
JK stacks(JKHS)
JK library office(JKHS)
JK staff room(JKHS)
JK department of school affairs(JKHS)
JK research office(english & math)(JKHS)
JK research office(japanese & social studies)(JKHS)
JK research office(science)(JKHS)
JK research office(fine arts)(JKHS)
JK calligraphy room(JKHS)
JK research office(p.e.)(JKHS)
JK student guidance room(JKHS)
JK infirmary(JKHS)
JK counseling room (on future courses)(JKHS)
JK dep.of entrance examination(JKHS)
JK office(JKHS)
JK principal's office(JKHS)
JK board room(JKHS)
JK new arrivals(JKHS)
JK withdrawals(JKHS)
JK missing books(JKHS)
Bibliography in the Library:
search bibliography in the Library
Authors name
Authors name
Authors name
Authors name
*Publication year:
*Country code:
*Language code:
Bibliography ID:
Registration number:
*Material format:
cassette tapes
record disks
micro films
roll films
16mm films
8mm films
slide films
video tapes
laser disks
blu-ray disks
floppy disks
3.5 floppy disks
other magnetic recordings
magneto-optical disks
other prints
motion pictures
video 8mm vtr
denshi books
electronic books
electronic journals
Material ID:
osaka institute of technology
osaka institute of technology
K research
K faculty of engineering
K faculty of engineering office
K monozukuri lecture
K experiment fair
K oit C
K oit A
K oit E
K oit M
K oit K
K oit D
K oit B
K oit V
K oit W
K oit L
K oit R
K oit U
K general education
K general applied physics
K general physical geography
K general chemistry
K general humanities
K general language study
K general physics
K general mathematics
K general gymnastics
K general byology
K general physical geography
K general applied physics
K general chemistry
K general byology
K general physics
K general mathematics
K general mathematical principle
K general education office
K Yawata engineering experimentation place
K oit P
K oit P (graduate school)
K oit P (graduate school) subsidy
K oit P language study subsidy
K oit P humanities subsidy
K oit P gymnastics subsidy
K comprehensive humanics
K comprehensive human sociology
K comprehensive language
K comprehensive gymnastics
K oit P(graduate school)
K audio-visual
K educational affairs section
K teacher training
K liaison center
K research support promotion center
K engineering works material
K office
K accounting section
K accounting section indirect cost
K accounting section science instruction subsidy
K accounting section science instruction subsidy
K commission 2005
K commission 2025
K commission 2021
K commission 2029
K commission 1005
K joint research 2082
K sponsored research 1002
K commission 1004
K scientific research 5009
K scientific research 5006
K scientific research 5012
K scientific research 5007
K scientific research 5042
K scientific research 5053
K scientific research 5062
K scientific research 5069
K scientific research 5048
K scientific research 5067
K scientific research 2003
K scientific research 2303
K scientific research 5072
K scientific research 5071
K scientific research 2007
K scientific research 2709
K scientific research 2716
K scientific research 2013
K scientific research 5070
K scientific research 2305
K scientific research 2005
K scientific research 5045
K scientific research 2612
K scientific research 5013
K scientific research 5044
K scientific research 2002
K scientific research 2018
K scientific research 2401
K scientific research 2014
K scientific research 2028
K scientific research 4007
K scientific research 2040
K scientific research 2038
K scientific research 2307
K scientific research 2742
K scientific research 2048
K scientific research 2308
K scientific research 2042
K scientific research 2301
K scientific research 2310
K encouragement research 4216
K scholarship donation 3018
K scholarship donation 3017
K scholarship donation 3037
K scholarship donation 3046
K scholarship donation 3008
K scholarship donation 1003
K scholarship donation 3058
K scholarship donation 1002
K scholarship donation 1004
K scholarship donation 1005
K scholarship donation 1006
K scholarship donation 1007
K scholarship donation 1008
K scholarship donation 3095
K encouragement research 4215
K encouragement research 4202
K encouragement research 4207
K encouragement research 4248
K encouragement research 1023
K encouragement research 1026
K encouragement research 1025
K encouragement research 1027
K encouragement research 1028
K encouragement research 1029
K sponsored research 2034
K joint research 2065
K sponsored research 2077
K sponsored research 2081
K sponsored research 1003
K sponsored research 5101
K specialist graduate school
K indirect cost 5080
K specialist graduate school
K oit P GP
K oit P (graduate school) encouragement research 1
K oit P (graduate school) encouragement research 2
K oit P (graduate school) JICA
K oit P (graduate school) academic research environment
K oit P (graduate school) teacher commendation
K oit P teacher commendation
K oit P subsidy
K faculty of engineering office
K oit C subsidy
K oit V subsidy
K oit W subsidy
K oit A subsidy
K oit B subsidy
K oit M subsidy
K oit L subsidy
K oit E subsidy
K oit D subsidy
K oit K subsidy
K oit G subsidy
K oit U subsidy
K oit R subsidy
K subsidy accounting section subsidy
K faculty of engineering research environment
K faculty of engineering research environment
K president discretionary budget
K president discretionary budget
K division of career services
K teacher training subsidy
K school infirmary
K machining operation
K faculty of information science and technology
K oit IC
K oit IS
K accounting section
K scientific research 5059
K scientific research 2205
K scholarship donation 8001
K scholarship donation 8009
K scholarship donation 8010
K scholarship donation 8012
K oit IM
K commission 7010
K commission O-JST
K academic research environment maintenance
K oit IN
K encouragement research 4243
K encouragement research 4244
K research project 9002
K library
K library omiya
K oit V reorganization
K oit W reorganization
K oit L reorganization
K oit U reorganization
K oit R reorganization
K library hirakata
K library umeda
K oit W
K oit R
K oit S
K hiroshima international university
K administration office
K educational research
K management cost
setsunan university
S research
S faculty of science and engineering
S civil and environmental engineering
S civil and environmental engineering
S living and environmental design
S architecture
S architecture
S life science
S electrical and electronic engineering
S electrical and electronic engineering
S mechanical engineering
S mechanical engineering
S engineering and management
S engineering and management
S mathematics and physics
S fundamental science and engineering
S machining operation
S techno center
S health and physical education
S common to science and engineering
S common to science and engineering
S all foreign studies
S foreign studies
S foreign studies
S teacher training
S teacher training
S learning support center
S business administration and information
S business administration
S law
S law
S pharmaceutical sciences
S medicinal pharmacology
S pharmacology
S microbiology
S biochemistry
S disease prevention science
S public health
S pharmaceutics
S clinical pharmaceutics
S clinical analytical chemistry
S pharmacognosy
S natural drug structural chemistry
S pharmaceutical chemistry
S pharmaceutical technochemistry
S pharmacotherapeutics
S chemical properties of chemicals
S pathological medical science
S pathology
S clinical pharmacy
S data processing
S shared use equipment
S practice・exercise
S joint use management
S managing animal rooms
S ri
S cryogenic room
S thermostatic chamber
S lan
S biomolecular analysis sience
S cell biology
S library committee
S common
S pharmacy education
S medical phermacy
S clinical Phermacy
S plant
S plactical medicin research
S pharmaceutical education center
S life fusion chemistory
S functional morphology
S integrated pharmacy
S sports promotion
S sports promotion
S faculty of economics
S library
S library neyagawa
S library hirakata
S planning section
S planning section
S general affairs section
S general affairs section
S accounting section
S accounting section
S educational affairs section
S educational affairs section
S student affairs office
S student affairs office
S school infirmary
S division of admission
S division of admission
S division of career services
S division of career services
S media center
S media center
S research support center
S community cooperation center
S community cooperation center
S international exchange center
S office of the faculty of engineering
S office of the faculty of science and engineering
S office of the faculty of foreign studies
S office of the faculty of foreign studies
S office of the faculty of business administration and information
S office of the faculty of business administration
S office of the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
S office of the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
S office of the faculty of law
S office of the faculty of law
S office of the faculty of economics
H junior high school high school
H1 high school
H2 junior high school
H1 subsidy
H1 Japanese language sudsidy
H1 social studies subsidy
H1 mathematics subsidy
H1 science subsidy
H1 English language subsidy
H1 physical education subsidy
H1 information subsidy
H1 assistant principal subsidy
H1 office subsidy
H1 mathematics
H2 subsidy
Hiroshima International University
T 1Hall
T 3Hall
T kure Branch
T Hiroshima Branch
T 1Hall Library
T 3Hall Library
T Kure BranchLibrary
T Hiroshima Branch Library
T 1general affairs section
T 3general affairs section
T Kure general affairs section
T Faculty of Health Sciences
T Common to Health Sciences
T Department of Nursing
T Department of Medical radiation
T Department of clinical engineering
T Department of physical therapy
T Department osynthetic rehabilitation
T Majar in medical treatment before
T Department of Nursing old
T Majar in Nursing old
T Faculty of Health and Welfare
T Common Faculty of Health and Welfare
T Department of Health and Social Services
T Majar in Health and Social Services
T Department of Health Services Management
T Majar in Health Services Management
T Health Sciences MEXT
T Health Sciences MEXT
T Health Sciences JSPS
T Health Sciences JSPS
T medical welfare MEXT
T medical welfare MEXT
T medical welfare JSPS
T medical welfare JSPS
T medical welfare MHLW
T medical welfare MHLW
T Faculty of Clinical Psychological
T Common to Clinical Psychological
T Clinical Psychological
T Department English and Communication
T Majar in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in Clinical Psychology Practice
T Majar in English and Communication
T Department of kansei Information
T Majar in kansei Information
T English and Communication Psychological
T teaching profession classroom
T east
T psychological clinic Center
T Psychological Science MEXT
T Psychological Science MEXT
T Psychological Science JSPS
T Psychological Science JSPS
T Psychological Science JSPS b
T Clinical Psychology Practice MEXT
T Clinical Psychology Practice MEXT
T Clinical Psychology Practice JSPS
T Clinical Psychology Practice JSPS
T faculty of social environment
T social environment architecture
T social environment living and environmental design
T social environment Information
T faculty of science and engineering
T common to science and engineering
T science and engineering architecture
T science and engineering living and environmental design
T science and engineering information
T science and engineering mechanical engineering
T Majar in social environment yosan
T Majar in social environment yosan
T Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
T Faculty of Nursing
T Faculty of Clinical Nutrition
T Faculty of Health Services Management
T Majar of Health Services Management
T Health Services Management MEXT
T Majar in Nursing
T Majar in Midwife services
T Nursing JSPS
T Nursing JSPS s-yosan
T science and engineering MEXT
T science and engineering MEXT
T science and engineering JSPS
T science and engineering JSPS
T science and engineering JSPS b
T science and engineering JSPS b
T Nursing MEXT
T Nursing MEXT
T Nursing JSPS
T Nursing JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences MEXT
T Pharmaceutical Sciences MEXT
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
Hiroshima International University Kure
T Installation expenses
T 1Hall planning section
T 1Hall maintenance department
T 1Hall general affairs section
T 1Hall accounting section
T 3Hall accounting section
T Kure accounting section
T 1Hall educational affairs section
T Higashi Remedial
T Kure Remedial
T 3Hall educational affairs section
T 1Hall student affairs office
T 1Hall entrance examination Center
T 1Hall Information Center
T 1Hall Clinical Psychology Center
T Hiroshima Clinical Psychology Center
T 1Hall educational affairs section
T 3Hall educational affairs section
T Kure student affairs office
T 1Hall division of career services
T Kure division of career services
T 1Hall Nuse's Office
T Hiroshima educational affairs section
T majar of architecture
T majar of Information
T 1Hall MEXT
T 1Hall JSPS
T 1Hall MEXT
T 1Hall JSPS
T 1Hall MHLW
T 1Hall MHLW
T 3Hall MEXT
T 3Hall JSPS
T 3Hall MEXT
T 3Hall JSPS
T 3Hall MHLW
T 3Hall MHLW
T Major in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in Clinical Psychology Practice
T Major in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in medical treatment after
T Common to Nursing
T Faculty of Nursing
J junior and senior high school
J senior high school
J junior high school
Call No:
*Country code:
*Language code:
*Material format:
cassette tapes
record disks
micro films
roll films
16mm films
8mm films
slide films
video tapes
laser disks
blu-ray disks
floppy disks
3.5 floppy disks
other magnetic recordings
magneto-optical disks
other prints
motion pictures
video 8mm vtr
denshi books
electronic books
electronic journals
osaka institute of technology
osaka institute of technology
K research
K faculty of engineering
K faculty of engineering office
K monozukuri lecture
K experiment fair
K oit C
K oit A
K oit E
K oit M
K oit K
K oit D
K oit B
K oit V
K oit W
K oit L
K oit R
K oit U
K general education
K general applied physics
K general physical geography
K general chemistry
K general humanities
K general language study
K general physics
K general mathematics
K general gymnastics
K general byology
K general physical geography
K general applied physics
K general chemistry
K general byology
K general physics
K general mathematics
K general mathematical principle
K general education office
K Yawata engineering experimentation place
K oit P
K oit P (graduate school)
K oit P (graduate school) subsidy
K oit P language study subsidy
K oit P humanities subsidy
K oit P gymnastics subsidy
K comprehensive humanics
K comprehensive human sociology
K comprehensive language
K comprehensive gymnastics
K oit P(graduate school)
K audio-visual
K educational affairs section
K teacher training
K liaison center
K research support promotion center
K engineering works material
K office
K accounting section
K accounting section indirect cost
K accounting section science instruction subsidy
K accounting section science instruction subsidy
K commission 2005
K commission 2025
K commission 2021
K commission 2029
K commission 1005
K joint research 2082
K sponsored research 1002
K commission 1004
K scientific research 5009
K scientific research 5006
K scientific research 5012
K scientific research 5007
K scientific research 5042
K scientific research 5053
K scientific research 5062
K scientific research 5069
K scientific research 5048
K scientific research 5067
K scientific research 2003
K scientific research 2303
K scientific research 5072
K scientific research 5071
K scientific research 2007
K scientific research 2709
K scientific research 2716
K scientific research 2013
K scientific research 5070
K scientific research 2305
K scientific research 2005
K scientific research 5045
K scientific research 2612
K scientific research 5013
K scientific research 5044
K scientific research 2002
K scientific research 2018
K scientific research 2401
K scientific research 2014
K scientific research 2028
K scientific research 4007
K scientific research 2040
K scientific research 2038
K scientific research 2307
K scientific research 2742
K scientific research 2048
K scientific research 2308
K scientific research 2042
K scientific research 2301
K scientific research 2310
K encouragement research 4216
K scholarship donation 3018
K scholarship donation 3017
K scholarship donation 3037
K scholarship donation 3046
K scholarship donation 3008
K scholarship donation 1003
K scholarship donation 3058
K scholarship donation 1002
K scholarship donation 1004
K scholarship donation 1005
K scholarship donation 1006
K scholarship donation 1007
K scholarship donation 1008
K scholarship donation 3095
K encouragement research 4215
K encouragement research 4202
K encouragement research 4207
K encouragement research 4248
K encouragement research 1023
K encouragement research 1026
K encouragement research 1025
K encouragement research 1027
K encouragement research 1028
K encouragement research 1029
K sponsored research 2034
K joint research 2065
K sponsored research 2077
K sponsored research 2081
K sponsored research 1003
K sponsored research 5101
K specialist graduate school
K indirect cost 5080
K specialist graduate school
K oit P GP
K oit P (graduate school) encouragement research 1
K oit P (graduate school) encouragement research 2
K oit P (graduate school) JICA
K oit P (graduate school) academic research environment
K oit P (graduate school) teacher commendation
K oit P teacher commendation
K oit P subsidy
K faculty of engineering office
K oit C subsidy
K oit V subsidy
K oit W subsidy
K oit A subsidy
K oit B subsidy
K oit M subsidy
K oit L subsidy
K oit E subsidy
K oit D subsidy
K oit K subsidy
K oit G subsidy
K oit U subsidy
K oit R subsidy
K subsidy accounting section subsidy
K faculty of engineering research environment
K faculty of engineering research environment
K president discretionary budget
K president discretionary budget
K division of career services
K teacher training subsidy
K school infirmary
K machining operation
K faculty of information science and technology
K oit IC
K oit IS
K accounting section
K scientific research 5059
K scientific research 2205
K scholarship donation 8001
K scholarship donation 8009
K scholarship donation 8010
K scholarship donation 8012
K oit IM
K commission 7010
K commission O-JST
K academic research environment maintenance
K oit IN
K encouragement research 4243
K encouragement research 4244
K research project 9002
K library
K library omiya
K oit V reorganization
K oit W reorganization
K oit L reorganization
K oit U reorganization
K oit R reorganization
K library hirakata
K library umeda
K oit W
K oit R
K oit S
K hiroshima international university
K administration office
K educational research
K management cost
setsunan university
S research
S faculty of science and engineering
S civil and environmental engineering
S civil and environmental engineering
S living and environmental design
S architecture
S architecture
S life science
S electrical and electronic engineering
S electrical and electronic engineering
S mechanical engineering
S mechanical engineering
S engineering and management
S engineering and management
S mathematics and physics
S fundamental science and engineering
S machining operation
S techno center
S health and physical education
S common to science and engineering
S common to science and engineering
S all foreign studies
S foreign studies
S foreign studies
S teacher training
S teacher training
S learning support center
S business administration and information
S business administration
S law
S law
S pharmaceutical sciences
S medicinal pharmacology
S pharmacology
S microbiology
S biochemistry
S disease prevention science
S public health
S pharmaceutics
S clinical pharmaceutics
S clinical analytical chemistry
S pharmacognosy
S natural drug structural chemistry
S pharmaceutical chemistry
S pharmaceutical technochemistry
S pharmacotherapeutics
S chemical properties of chemicals
S pathological medical science
S pathology
S clinical pharmacy
S data processing
S shared use equipment
S practice・exercise
S joint use management
S managing animal rooms
S ri
S cryogenic room
S thermostatic chamber
S lan
S biomolecular analysis sience
S cell biology
S library committee
S common
S pharmacy education
S medical phermacy
S clinical Phermacy
S plant
S plactical medicin research
S pharmaceutical education center
S life fusion chemistory
S functional morphology
S integrated pharmacy
S sports promotion
S sports promotion
S faculty of economics
S library
S library neyagawa
S library hirakata
S planning section
S planning section
S general affairs section
S general affairs section
S accounting section
S accounting section
S educational affairs section
S educational affairs section
S student affairs office
S student affairs office
S school infirmary
S division of admission
S division of admission
S division of career services
S division of career services
S media center
S media center
S research support center
S community cooperation center
S community cooperation center
S international exchange center
S office of the faculty of engineering
S office of the faculty of science and engineering
S office of the faculty of foreign studies
S office of the faculty of foreign studies
S office of the faculty of business administration and information
S office of the faculty of business administration
S office of the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
S office of the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
S office of the faculty of law
S office of the faculty of law
S office of the faculty of economics
H junior high school high school
H1 high school
H2 junior high school
H1 subsidy
H1 Japanese language sudsidy
H1 social studies subsidy
H1 mathematics subsidy
H1 science subsidy
H1 English language subsidy
H1 physical education subsidy
H1 information subsidy
H1 assistant principal subsidy
H1 office subsidy
H1 mathematics
H2 subsidy
Hiroshima International University
T 1Hall
T 3Hall
T kure Branch
T Hiroshima Branch
T 1Hall Library
T 3Hall Library
T Kure BranchLibrary
T Hiroshima Branch Library
T 1general affairs section
T 3general affairs section
T Kure general affairs section
T Faculty of Health Sciences
T Common to Health Sciences
T Department of Nursing
T Department of Medical radiation
T Department of clinical engineering
T Department of physical therapy
T Department osynthetic rehabilitation
T Majar in medical treatment before
T Department of Nursing old
T Majar in Nursing old
T Faculty of Health and Welfare
T Common Faculty of Health and Welfare
T Department of Health and Social Services
T Majar in Health and Social Services
T Department of Health Services Management
T Majar in Health Services Management
T Health Sciences MEXT
T Health Sciences MEXT
T Health Sciences JSPS
T Health Sciences JSPS
T medical welfare MEXT
T medical welfare MEXT
T medical welfare JSPS
T medical welfare JSPS
T medical welfare MHLW
T medical welfare MHLW
T Faculty of Clinical Psychological
T Common to Clinical Psychological
T Clinical Psychological
T Department English and Communication
T Majar in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in Clinical Psychology Practice
T Majar in English and Communication
T Department of kansei Information
T Majar in kansei Information
T English and Communication Psychological
T teaching profession classroom
T east
T psychological clinic Center
T Psychological Science MEXT
T Psychological Science MEXT
T Psychological Science JSPS
T Psychological Science JSPS
T Psychological Science JSPS b
T Clinical Psychology Practice MEXT
T Clinical Psychology Practice MEXT
T Clinical Psychology Practice JSPS
T Clinical Psychology Practice JSPS
T faculty of social environment
T social environment architecture
T social environment living and environmental design
T social environment Information
T faculty of science and engineering
T common to science and engineering
T science and engineering architecture
T science and engineering living and environmental design
T science and engineering information
T science and engineering mechanical engineering
T Majar in social environment yosan
T Majar in social environment yosan
T Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
T Faculty of Nursing
T Faculty of Clinical Nutrition
T Faculty of Health Services Management
T Majar of Health Services Management
T Health Services Management MEXT
T Majar in Nursing
T Majar in Midwife services
T Nursing JSPS
T Nursing JSPS s-yosan
T science and engineering MEXT
T science and engineering MEXT
T science and engineering JSPS
T science and engineering JSPS
T science and engineering JSPS b
T science and engineering JSPS b
T Nursing MEXT
T Nursing MEXT
T Nursing JSPS
T Nursing JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences MEXT
T Pharmaceutical Sciences MEXT
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
T Pharmaceutical Sciences JSPS
Hiroshima International University Kure
T Installation expenses
T 1Hall planning section
T 1Hall maintenance department
T 1Hall general affairs section
T 1Hall accounting section
T 3Hall accounting section
T Kure accounting section
T 1Hall educational affairs section
T Higashi Remedial
T Kure Remedial
T 3Hall educational affairs section
T 1Hall student affairs office
T 1Hall entrance examination Center
T 1Hall Information Center
T 1Hall Clinical Psychology Center
T Hiroshima Clinical Psychology Center
T 1Hall educational affairs section
T 3Hall educational affairs section
T Kure student affairs office
T 1Hall division of career services
T Kure division of career services
T 1Hall Nuse's Office
T Hiroshima educational affairs section
T majar of architecture
T majar of Information
T 1Hall MEXT
T 1Hall JSPS
T 1Hall MEXT
T 1Hall JSPS
T 1Hall MHLW
T 1Hall MHLW
T 3Hall MEXT
T 3Hall JSPS
T 3Hall MEXT
T 3Hall JSPS
T 3Hall MHLW
T 3Hall MHLW
T Major in Clinical Psychology
T Majar in Clinical Psychology Practice